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Curious? ... Good!!

You got curious… That is why you are reading this...
And I am curious on who is reading …. this….

I can go on telling basic details of myself and my life, but then, possibly you have read that kind of stuff written by hundreds of other men, and like they say, “The proof is in the pudding”…

What I am here for is good time. Good time for the sake of the moment, a laughter, a punch after “you are so mean”, … a smile after “you are so mean”, silent moments and intense discussions, tension and relief. Have nothing against pillow fights or, turning the hot water suddenly to cold in the shower.

If you have confidence, and you are attractive…. in your body and in your soul, if you can enjoy the moment, can be a challenge, face a challenge, have a good sense of humor, a bit bitchy, a bit childish, then you are welcome.

If you are a feminazi, you are definitely welcome :-)

If, in case you are looking marriage material, move on to the next profile…

Now, that’s me… And I challenge you..