Lyhyesti (pahoittelen kirjoitusvirheitä - saa korjata :)
Asun Tallinnassa, kaksi lasta ja toimistotyö. En ole parisuhdeihminen. Pari kaveria, paljon tuttuja. En juo viinaa, en tupakoi (enää) Aina on kiire. Eli olen aika tylsä ihminen ;)
Jos kuitenkin päätät ottaa yhteyttä syystä tai toiseesta, niin voisitko lähettää minulle 4Helmeä:
Mitä lukisi sun kyltissä, jos olisit kadun varressa kerjäläinen?
Voisitko kertoa, miksen nähnyt Sua eilen juhlissa?
Jos haluaisin lahjottaa ison summan rahaa, minkälaista keräystä suosittelisit?
Flirtaristko kanssasi, jos näkisit ittes baarissa?
Pidä hauskaa! Elämä on elämistä varten!
Vagina monologi Gigli elokuvasta:
Ricki: So... in review ... you're saying that it's men who are at the top of the Must Fuck Pyramid.
Larry: That's all I'm telling.
Ricki: Hm. Loving, caring, sensitive, giving men.
Larry: That's right.
Ricki: Well, you're entitled to your opinion. But ... let us reconsider women for a minute, shall we?
Larry: Sure.
Ricki: Their form. Neck. Shoulders. Legs. Hips. I think pretty cool. Now, as far as your famous penis goes, the penis is like some sort of bizarre sea slug or like a really long toe. I mean, it's handy. Important even. But the pinnacle of sexual design? The top of the list of erotic destinations? I don't think so. Ones first impulse is to kiss what? ... To kiss the lips. Firm, delicious lips, sweet lips ... surrounding a warm, moist, dizzingly scented mouth. That's what everyone wants to kiss. Not a toe. Not a sea slug. A mouth. And why do you think that is, stupid? ... Because the mouth is the twin sister, the almost exact look-alike of what? ... Not the toe. The mouth is the twin sister of ... the vagina. And all creatures big and small seek the orifice, the opening, to be taken in, engulfed, to be squeezed, lovingly crushed by what is truly the all-powerful, all-encompassing -- no, if it's design you're concerned with, hidden meaning, symbolism, power ... forget the top of Mount Everest, forget the bottom of the sea, the moon, the stars, there is no place nowhere that has been the object of more ambitions, more battles than the sweet sacred mystery between a womans legs that I am proud to call (whispering, barely audible) my pussy.
So I guess this is just my roundabout way of saying that it is women who are in fact the most desirable form. ... Wouldn't you agree?
Larry: (softly) I agree.