Elämänohjeet kansainvälisesti ilmaistuna:
- Pay attention, ask questions, and take notes.
- Try it. You might like it.
- On balance, try to be a net gain in any situation.
- Do no harm.
- If you must, do so with overwhelming force and a clear exit strategy.
- If you do fuck up, stand up and take the bullet. No one wants to listen to excuses and besides, it probably doesn’t matter anyway.
- Be honest and sincere, even if you must lie.
- As far as anyone knows we only get one shot at life so make it fun. Technically, everything is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
- Be polite. It makes such a difference.
- Don’t worry about making the world a better place because very few of us actually know what “better” means. It’s probably enough to leave it as you found it. And clean up after yourself.
- Make sure you always care for something else — another living thing. It could be a plant, it could be a pet, it could be a relative. It can’t be your car or your hi-fi or your shoes (which should be reasonably but not obsessively well polished).
- Play regularly.
- Try to read more.
- Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke.