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2 kommenttia


10.10.2015 20:11

Lovely picture! Well,they say that photo can tell 50 % about someone and I hope that what I see here is real and genuine. I am here to find someone who can be a father and friend but i don't want to be desperate so i will close down my profile once we get talking.I hope that we can get along on this path . Feel free to write to me daniellehenry hotmail com I will respond with my pictures,i dont want them littering on the internet.Danielle.

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Hummer Hammer

12.11.2015 22:04

Dbaby on sähköpostikeskustelussa myöntänyt olevansa huijari!

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4 + 3 = Kirjoita laskutoimituksen tulos tai kirjaudu sisään, jolloin tarkistetta ei kysytä.
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