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Mistä jokainen tunnistaa Oumain:


-Ylireagoi - AINA

-Se tsättäilee Sokkotreffit 2 huoneessa sormet näppäimistöä vasten silmät monitorin vieressä kuvaruutupuolella.

-Se tykkää ruoasta ja sen laittamisesta. Eniten se tykkää syöttää sitä kanssaihmisille. Se myös tykkää, jos kanssaihmiset laittaa sille ruokaa.

-Se puhuu terveydestä ja tekee muuta

-Se on naismainen sielu puettuna lapinjätkän kroppaan.

-Se tykkää jutella vieraille ja yrittää olla yleensä kiltti. Joskus de on humalassa ja silloin se on aika pöljä Oumai.

-Ei sa paha ole, mutta se on vain niin villi.

-Se on huumorintajuinen, vilkas, nokkela, näsäviisas, hellä, ystävällinen, terävä, ilkikurinen, tempperamnettinen, liukasliikkeinen, tunteellinen, hyväntahtoinen ja hyväntuoksuinen.

-Sen huumorintaju on omituista. Sitä ei kannata ottaa liian tosissaan, mutta ei kannata myöskään ottaa liian kevyesti.

-Se on Iisioumai, Ounai, Oumaigaad sekä -kaad, Oukkis, Ounou, Ouou, Ou, Oumaibeib, Oushit, Oucräp, Maimai, Oumaifack, Saunakaveri, markatti,Suzy, Susi, ja aviomies

-Se ajaa BMW:n Z3:lla lujaa (unelmissaan toim. huom)

-01:55:53 [hums] Oh my, oh my! (elokuvasta American Beuty)

-Jos se saisi päättää, niin jokaisella olisi ilmainen karkkipäivä kerran viikossa

-Mies sen takana on samanlainen mies kuin Oumai on. Ota se kiinni ja tutustu siihen :D

Finnish as a world language?
by Richard Lewis (From: Sesquipedalian Vol III numbers 8-11)

Is it now the time for Finnish to take its place as the international
language? It is obviously difficult to answer this question with
certainty. At the moment there seem to be several factors which would
hinder such a development. First of all, Finnish is currently spoken by
a mere 0.05% of the world´s population; secondly one cannot learn the
language in ten easy lessons; thirdly, a large number of Finns still do
not understand it. Although the advancement of Finnish has been a bit
slow, there are Finns who point out the following advantages Finnish
would have as a world language:

1. It is an essentially logical language. The rules are absolute and
reliable in all situations, except exceptions.

2. It is a good sounding language; in other words, it is pleasing to
ear. This has to do with its wealth of vowels, which rules out ugly
consonant clusters. It was recently suggested that some vowels should be
exported to Czechoslovakia, where shortage of vowels is imminent, and
that some Czech consonants should be imported to Finland. However,
collapsed at an early stage. The Finns would not deal with a language
that calls ice-cream ´zrmzlina,´ while the Czechs in turn distrusted a
language that calls it ´jäätelöä.´

3. It is a concise language. One Finnish word can mean several different
things in English. Why lose time and energy saying ´the committee that
takes care of negotiations concerning the truce´ when you can use a
simple little word like ´aseleponeuvottelutoimikunta?´

4. Learning Finnish builds confidence. If you can learn Finnish, then
you can learn anything.

5. Finnish has longer and better swear words than any other language.

In light of these facts we can see that the introduction of Finnish as a
world language would be a blessing to all mankind. The problem we now
face is how to convince the remaining 99.95% of the global population to
learn Finnish. We hope the world can receive the benefit of our own
experience with the language. After a few months of intensive (and
sometimes downright desperate) research we have developed a method of
fording this linguistic barrier which has so far proved to be one of the
world´s most formidable ones.

Nouns and Their Cases

Remember, self-confidence is the key to success. Never hesitate. When
you are about to use a noun, always reflect according to the following

· Which is the corresponding noun in Finnish?
· Singular or plural?
· What case? Nominative, accusative, genitive, essive, partitive,
translative, inessive, elative, illative, adessive, ablative, allative,
abessive, comitative or instructive?
· Is it possible to avoid using the noun?

After you have contemplated this during the proverbial fraction of a
second, take a deep breath and pronounce the first half of the noun in a
huge, booming voice. Then gradually weaken the voice so that by the time
you pronounce the case ending, it is only in a hoarse whisper. This
method of demonstrating your mastery of case usage is completely safe
since, although you cannot prove that you were right, nobody, Finn or
otherwise, can ever prove that you were wrong. Above all, look


Superficially, there are few similarities between the Finnish and
English systems. For example:

yksi one
kaksi two
kolme three
neljä four
viisi five
kuusi six
seitsemän seven
kahdeksan eight
yhdeksän nine
kymmenen ten

A closer inspection, however, reveals the following facts that are
useful to the beginner:

(a) ´kolme´ and ´three´ each have five letters;

(b) ´viisi´ and ´five´ are both formed around the letters ´v´ and ´i´;

(c) ´seitsemän´ and ´seven´ seem to share a common root (apparently a
word beginning with ´s´).

Other cues for the acquisition of numerals:

1. Forget the English numerals altogether. This done, you will have to
learn the Finnish ones in order to tell the time. If you should run into
problems when using English at a later stage you can consult a
Finnish-English dictionary, or, when you need numerals up to twenty,
make use of fingers and toes.

2. Do not waste time learning numerals higher than 20,000,000. It is
unlikely that you will ever have that much money, even in Finnmarks.

Months and Days: Say ´the first day,´ ´the third day,´ ´the second
month,´ ´the next-to-last month,´ etc. This will save you the two years
it takes to learn these names and shifts the burden of labour over to
the person you are talking to.

The Direct Object

Most Finnish grammars are particularly easy to understand on this

The basic idea is: In Finnish the direct object (commonly called the
accusative object) may occur in the nominative, the genitive, or the
partitive case. In order to make things easier to understand, nominative
and genitive are called accusative. There is also a real accusative
which is not called anything at all. Utmost care must be applied when
interpreting the grammatical terminology. If you encounter the word
´accusative,´ it can mean nominative or genitive, but never the real
accusative. The term ´nominative´ can mean accusative or, possibly,
nominative. ´Genitive´ can mean accusative or simply genitive, while
partitive is always called partitive, although it may be accusative.


The best piece of advice is do not use verbs at all. Sometimes you may
find it a little difficult to pursue a meaningful conversation without
one, but with diligent practice you will become adept at this. We
reduced the number of conversational errors by 20% after discovering the
method of omitting verbs. Another 15% can be eliminated by omitting all
adjectives, adverbs and pronouns, although at this point conversation
tends to sink to an extremely superficial level, unless you are very
good with your hands.


Some difficult sounds:

ää : like ´e´ in ´expatiatory,´ but longer and more intense. Mouth as
open as possible, ears backward and plastered to head.
äy : half palatal, half alveolar, half dental. Look disgusted.
yö: be very, very careful with this one.
uu: as in Arabic.
r: a forceful trill. Loose dentures will be an advantage here.


We hope that this article will be of great help to all those who
wrestle with the question of whether to study Finnish. For those already
studying the language, this method can provide helpful and easy
applications for using conversational Finnish. As to the question of the
prospect of Finnish as a global language, I think I do not misspeak
myself by saying that the work of this article should settle the matter
clearly and finally.