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Music never talks back to me,
Music never argues with me,
Music is my best friend,
Music dosen`t put me in jail unless i get naked onstage,
Music makes me happy and music makes me sad only when i want to.
Music is my memory and music is my wife.
Music is my partner,
The only one who will never ever leave me "it´s true".
I make music- it´s my language,
It´s the best way i know how to say what i want to say.

When things are fucked up,seemed to be,or are about to get fucked up,you can get political,you can get belligerent,you can bury your head in the sand,or you can try another approach...and say it`s a great opportunity to do some good. The problem is everyone`s definition of good can be completely different. So can mine. But if you don`t like the world you live in,you can quit,you can run away,or you can create an alternative.

I choose the later.I`m headed to cycoville. But as the saying goes,the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Therefore i determined mere intentions are not good enough. A cohesive plan for success is vital in any format. So without further adieu and without really saying anything,i`m firts putting a call out to any young lawyers or law students.

Time to move on so,remember:you`re a wreck, an accident.Forget the freak,your just nature.Keep the gun oiled,and the temple cleaned shit snort,and blaspheme,let the heads cool,and the engine run.Because in the end,everything we do,is just everything we`we done.

BLAM. I`ll leave it at that... But first... There`s no guaranted
that anyone will be able to accomplish anything they try... But you are guaranted you`ll fail everything that you don`t try.

P.S. No i`m not crazy... Then again nobody that`s crazy think he is.
