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High alcohol (ethanol) preference (1/4) (Fuller, 1964b), (2/18) (Rodgers, 1966). Achieve blood alcohol levels of 60 mg% when access to alcohol is restricted to 60 mins. per day (Le et al, 1994). Alcohol preference may be associated with strain differences in mesolimbic enkephalin gene expression (Ng et al, 1996). A quasi-congenic QTL introgression strain carrying a low alcohol consumption gene from BALB/c has lower voluntary alcohol consumption than C57BL/6, with 96% of loci in common (Vadasz et al, 1996). Low severity of ethanol withdrawal symptoms compared with DBA/2, possibly associated with differences in neuroactive steriod sensitivity (Finn et al, 1997). Alcohol preference is due to at least two recessive quantitative trait loci that are sex-restricted in expression (Melo et al, 1996).

Low `emotionality´ (12/15), high open-field exploration (2/15) (Thompson, 1953). High spontaneous locomotor activity (8/9) (Nikulina et al 1991). Short time of immobility in a forced swimming test (8/9) (Nikulina et al 1991). Low shock-avoidance learning (7/9) (Bovet et al., 1966., 1966, 1969). Low shuttle-box avoidance (5/5), high wheel activity (1/5) (Messeri et al., 1972., 1972). Rapid shock-avoidance learning (2/7) and slow extinction (6/7) (Schlesinger and Wimer, 1967). High shock-avoidance learning (1/8) (Wahlsten, 1973). High radial-arm maze learning (1/3) (Ammassari-Teule et al, 1993).

High locomotor activity (1/5) (Davis and King, 1967). High locomotor activity when grouped (2/6) and single (1/6) (Davis et al., 1967., 1967). Resistant to audiogenic seizures (11/11) (Fuller and Sjursen, 1967). Relatively insensitive to the primary odorant isovaleric acid (contrast seven other strains) and may provide an animal model of specific anosmia (Wysocki et al., 1977., 1977). Low balsa-wood gnawing activity (2/16) Fawdington and Festing (1980). High preference for sweet tasting substances (saccharin, sucrose, dulcin and acesulfame, averaged) (1/26) (Lush 1988). Rejects saline at moderate concentrations (contrast 129) (Beauchamp and Fisher, 1993, Gannon and Contreras, 1995). Feed restriction for nine days failed to cause stereotypic cage cover climbing (contrast DBA/2) (Cabib and Bonaventira, 1997).

I lay on a beach
Yellow and blue
I know they´ll come
Moon is white and calm
And then they come
Following the scent
Snorting, tusks flashing
They are many
Digging into me
They tear my flesh
Rip my gut
And I just lay
On my back
Not resisting
Not feeling a thing
Covered in gore
The beasts are satisfied
And turn back to the jungle
What´s left of me
Just bits of bone
One of the beasts lags behind
It curles under a fallen tree
Contractions are becoming much stronger
She lays in the dark
Tasting blood and pain
Thus a new life begins
Covered in slime and blood
I let out a squeal
Open my eyes
Seeing the stars
I smell the damp forest


Vierelläni paikka kylmä.
Kuin usva se vyöryi ylleni.
Kietoen syleilyynsä toivotti tervetulleeksi päivään uuteen.


"Älä luota, niin et pety. Petä, niin et luota."


Se ilmestyi kuin tyhjästä.
Ei siitä lähtenyt ääntäkään.
Veren kohina korvissani.
Se hymyili.
Miksi se hymyilee?
Ehkä se on kiltti.


._o o_0 O_O 0_o o_.
