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Futis, sähly, taistelulajit, lahkeella käynti vaihtelevasti. Lukeminen, näppiksen naputus, heikko skittaus, baelaelu siellä täällä, kaikenlaiset pelit.


Koeputkilapsi, jonka kuokka on pudonnut kädestä, vaikka suo yhä kaipaa raivausta. Elämää on tullut koettua n. LD25-annos ja vieläkään ei ole valjennut, missä se tarpeellinen Save/Load -painike sijaitsee. Siitä olisi iloa Faradayn aasin lähisukulaiselle.

There are just some things in life that are so important, everybody should have them. A place to live, food to eat, and clothes to wear. This is how I feel about Warrax. Everybody should have him in their army each and every game.

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Kamelot, Blind Guardian, Helloween, Sonata Arctica, Dark Moor, Nightwish, Gamma Ray, Symphony X, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, Manowar, Dimmu Borgir, Soilwork, Dark Tranquillity, In Flames, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Iced Earth jne...

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R.A. Salvatore, Musta Haltia
M. Weis, Syyshämärän lohikäärmeet
J. Grisham, Rainmaker
S. King, Painajainen

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Was there a time when I was feeling
The time for shade of hope or fear
Sometimes I wonder, am I breathing
When was it when we were dreaming

When did the sun, stop from shining
Remember when I felt the rain
Sometimes I wonder, Am I fading
When we were hurting

Did I need the pain just to feel alive
Did I get this numb just to survive
Did I need the rain just to feel alive
Did I get this cold, just to survive

Was there a child who was dreaming
When did I loose the sense of me
Sometimes I wonder, am I sleeping
When stoppde I desiring

Did I need the pain just to feel alive
Did I get this numb just to survive
Did I need the rain just to feel alive
Did I get this cold, just to survive

Would you please, could someone please
Could someone make me unbroken again
Is there someone I could reach
Could someone make me whole again

Was there a time when I was feeling
The time for shade of hope or fear
Sometimes I wonder, am I breathing
When was it when we were dreaming
... we were dreaming

- Silentium lyrics (maybe a bit wrong..) - www.silentivm.com

Could.. someone..?

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Ihminen yrittää koko elämänsä tappaa aikaa mutta lopulta aika tappaa ihmisen.
Parempi katsoa katua kuin olla katsomatta ja katua.
Such is life and it get´s sucher and sucher all the time.
Hiljaisuus on vaikenemisen merkki.
Joukkohaudassa et ole yksin.
Kyllä sitä viinoo voi olla ilman hauskaakin!
Tolkku se on talkkunan syönnissäki.
Liikaa on aina tarpeeksi.
The human body is really just a bag of salt housed in a semipermeable membrane.
Urheilu on pilannut monta hyvää ryyppymiestä :(
Ei tavallinen seksi ole lainkaan niin hauskaa kuin pariseksi!
Musta piti tulla läikkä lakanaan, mutta tulikin tahra yhteiskuntaan.