How could I forget your smile
How could I forget the sparkle in your eye
How could I forget how sweet you always were
How could I forget you for a while
How could I forget our short walk together in the darkness that evening
How could I forget how your hand felt while it was hiding inside mine
I never forgot you
You were always inside my empty heart
Seeking the way out from there
I can still see your smile
I can still see the sparkle in your eye
I can still see your curly hair
I can still remember how sweet you always were
I have always remembered you
I can now remember our short walk together
That special evening
What I cannot remember
Is how your small hand felt in mine
Can I ever feel it again?
Can I have my toy back now !?!
:D pliis?
Kirjoitettaessa soi Skid Row: I remember you
1 kommentti
5.12.2021 10:39
Täältä löydät pian seksiä, suhteita, Deittailua -->
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