Paljon aikaan saavat energiat päällänsä nyt !

  • Toni

High energies ***
Your ego energies are high, which means that you can stand up for yourself against almost anyone today. You have great confidence and will not easily allow someone to take advantage of you. Unfortunately this may also mean that you will get into fights and arguments. Try to remember that other people have egos too. You don't have to defeat others in order to maintain yourself. You should be especially careful in your dealings with supervisors. They will not expect you to be as assertive toward them as you are likely to be today. You have a great deal of physical energy also, which means you can work hard and long. If you use these energies intelligently, you should be able to accomplish far more worthwhile work than on other days.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars Conjunction Sun, , exact at 14:00
activity period from 27 April 2008 to 1 May 2008

No perusluonteeseeni kuuluu kyllä jo varsin kovat energiakierrokset tiettyjen asioiden yhteydessä. Ajattelimpa purkaa nyt kovaan liikuntaan tuota ylimääräistä energiaa.. taitaapa olla juuri nyt hyvä aika aloittaa se rasvan kuluttaminen lenkkipolulle juuri sopivasti ennen kesää..

1 kommentti


5.12.2021 11:01

Täältä löydät pian seksiä, suhteita, Deittailua -->

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