Minut on aina syksyisin vallannut alakuloisuus ja mieletön väsymys eli kaamosmasennus. Joka vuosi päätän, että tänä syksynä kaamos ei minua saa. Tänä syksynä päätin tämän vahvemmin kuin koskaan, ja valmistauduin taisteluun ajoissa!
Ensimmäisenä hommasin hirveän määrän kaikenlaisia pillereitä. D-vitamiinia, monivitamiinia, sinkkiä, magnesiumia, ihmeleväpillereitä ja jotain muita epämääräisiä sikiötabletteja. Aloitin pillerihoidon ajoissa: oikeastaan syön useaa näistä ympäri vuoden.
Toiseksi aloitin kirkasvalohoidon ajoissa. Olen omistanut tuon lampun jo muutaman vuoden, mutta yleensä muistan sen vasta silloin, kun kaamos on jo pahimmillaan ja voimani lopussa. Nyt aloitin joka-aamuisen kahvihetkeni lampun kanssa suhteellisen aikaisin. Kolmanneksi päätin jatkaa lenkkeilyä ja urheilua ja ratkiriemukasta pomppimista loskassa.
Yritin jopa sitä kuuluisaa peiton alle kääriytymistä! Istuin hetken aikaa siellä, mutta mitään ei tapahtunut. Luovutin.
Vaan kuinkas kävikään. Minun on myönnettävä tappioni. Kaamos, tuo kaikkien paskiaisten isä, on saanut minusta otteen. Olen kohdannut voittajani. Pillereistä, kirkasvalohoidosta, liikunnasta ja peitoista huolimatta olen aivan poikki, maissa ja makeanhimoinen. Mikään ei kiinnosta. Tältä näyttää lähes joka arki-iltani:
Leiriydyn telkkarin eteen mussuttamaan kaikenlaista roskaa ja katselemaan melkein yhtä surkeaa roskaa. Nyyh. Yritän kuunnella iloista ja piristävää musiikkia, mutta Risto Räppääjä ja M. A. Numminen eivät nyt iske. Sen sijaan hilpeääkin hilpeämpi Ismo Alanko kuvaa tämänhetkisiä tunteitani hyvin:
Ei auta peräruiskeet
Ei poisto amalgaamin
Ei tv-shopin tyynykään, se anatominen
Ei auta voimajooga
Ei auta sorkkarauta
Ei auta ruoho eikä aerobic
Yritin myös nyrkkeilyä, bodausta ja pyöräilyä
Meditoin ja paastosin ja uin ja rakastuin
Opiskelin kieliä ja luin filosofiaa
Harrastin runoutta ja teatteria
Sänkyyn kömmin allapäin, en saa nyt unta en
Olen ystävien kesken yksinäinen
Aamulla en jaksa nousta päivään hilpeään
olen liian hauska yrittämäänkään
Ei auta bingolotto
Ei auta viinan otto
Ei auta jumalauta ei, mitä mä teen?
Teen retken meren rantaan
tuulipuku suojan antaa
Ulkoiluhan rauhoittaa, sehän on hauskaa
Syön piirakan, kiroan sen makua
Vedän keuhkoihin merituulen löyhkäävän hien
Inspiraationi bloggaamiseenkin on hukassa. Minulla on muutama idea ja melkein valmis juttu, mutta en saa aikaiseksi niiden viimeistelyä. Älkää silti huolestuko! Joulukuu yleensä piristää minua. Silloin on iloinen meininki, pikkujouluja, He-Manin synttärit, joulu, minun synttärini ja uusi vuosi. Sitten onkin jo tammikuu ja uudet murheet. Ja huomaamatta saapuukin kevät! Ja kesä! :) Onko teillä mitään hyviä vinkkejä kaamosmasennukseen, joita ensi vuonna voisi koittaa? Tämä syksy taitaa olla jo menetetty.
ps. En nyt oikeasti ole ihan täysin sohvapotilaana: olen vain dramaattinen luonne ;) Viikonlopun reissu oli kyllä piristävä! Siitä lisää myöhemmin.
Kirjoitettaessa soi Ismo Alanko - Sisäinen solarium
2716 kommenttia
29.12.2023 08:18
Vastaa kommenttiinVastaa kommenttiin
23.1.2024 10:54
No cross, no crown.
23.1.2024 10:54
Sometime ever, sometime never.
23.1.2024 10:55
Treat yourself well.
23.1.2024 10:56
No fear of words, no fear of years.
25.1.2024 10:29
The past can hurt.
25.1.2024 10:29
But the way I see it,
25.1.2024 10:29
you can either run from it
25.1.2024 10:30
or learn from it
26.1.2024 09:30
Life is a journey to be experienced
26.1.2024 09:30
not a problem to be solved
26.1.2024 09:31
Waiting for the prince to save the princess
26.1.2024 09:31
to save themselves is the queen
29.1.2024 09:05
Venture outside your comfort zone.
29.1.2024 09:06
A single grain of rice can tip the scale.
29.1.2024 09:06
One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.
29.1.2024 09:07
The rewards are worth it.
30.1.2024 10:51
Haven’t any of you ever had a dream?
30.1.2024 10:51
Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance.
30.1.2024 10:51
Like so many things
30.1.2024 10:52
Sometimes we only see how people are different from us.
17.2.2024 05:05
But if you look hard enough,
17.2.2024 05:05
you can see how much we’re all alike.
17.2.2024 05:06
If you keep on believing,
17.2.2024 05:06
Even miracles take a little time
19.2.2024 05:02
Beauty is found within.
19.2.2024 05:02
you’ll learn things you never knew you never knew.”
19.2.2024 05:02
Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.
19.2.2024 05:02
True, that he’s no Prince Charming,
26.2.2024 05:05
Some people can’t believe in themselves
26.2.2024 05:05
until someone else believes in them first
26.2.2024 05:05
Life moves pretty fast.
27.2.2024 05:04
you could miss it.
27.2.2024 05:05
If you don’t stop and look around once in a while,
27.2.2024 05:05
Every man dies
29.2.2024 04:45
Calling someone fat doesn’t make you any skinnier.
29.2.2024 04:46
Calling someone stupid doesn’t make you any smarter.
29.2.2024 04:46
Kid, there are heroes and there are legends.
1.3.2024 05:06
Heroes get remembered,
1.3.2024 05:06
but legends never die
1.3.2024 05:07
and you’ll never go wrong.”
5.3.2024 06:02
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
5.3.2024 06:02
It is our choices.
5.3.2024 06:03
When their souls got to the entrance to heaven,
6.3.2024 09:46
the guards asked two questions.
6.3.2024 09:46
Have you found joy in your life
6.3.2024 09:46
Has your life brought joy to others?
6.3.2024 09:46
We’re all traveling through time together,
7.3.2024 04:29
every day of our lives
7.3.2024 04:29
All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.
7.3.2024 04:29
They’re always there.
7.3.2024 04:30
You just gotta remember to tip your head back and look up.
8.3.2024 05:52
Nobody looks like Barbie,
8.3.2024 05:52
except, of course, Barbie.
8.3.2024 05:53
“The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work.“
8.3.2024 05:53
“The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up.“
12.3.2024 05:28
The real world is not perfect,
12.3.2024 05:32
but you inspire me.
12.3.2024 05:33
which he denies.
12.3.2024 05:33
describing him as a "threat to peace".
13.3.2024 04:35
They locked eyes at a party,
13.3.2024 04:35
and immediately felt a spark.
13.3.2024 04:35
and Gyung-ho asked Mi-sun to move in with him.
13.3.2024 04:35
But there was a catch.
14.3.2024 04:30
Speaking ahead of the vote,
14.3.2024 04:30
But you never beat it
14.3.2024 04:31
Keith Morrison said.
14.3.2024 04:31
felt like he was beating
15.3.2024 04:31
Wipro and hundreds of start-ups have plush offices.
15.3.2024 04:32
But years of rapid, often unplanned
15.3.2024 04:32
and the city now appears bursting at its seams.
15.3.2024 04:32
says civic activist Srinivas Alavilli.
18.3.2024 05:03
During the show on Saturday night
18.3.2024 05:03
the English superstar invited the Indian singer
18.3.2024 05:03
Crowds went wild
18.3.2024 05:03
when the duo gave a rendition
20.3.2024 07:58
after No Time to Die.
20.3.2024 07:58
"""I take it as a great compliment,"" he added."
20.3.2024 07:59
The army fears information about its activities will be leaked.
25.3.2024 09:47
The UK government is expected to link cyber-attacks on
25.3.2024 09:47
in which personal details of potentially millions of voters were accessed
25.3.2024 09:47
Several MPs and peers who have been critical of Beijing
25.3.2024 09:48
are thought to have also been targeted in cyber-attacks.
26.3.2024 05:37
26.3.2024 07:56
In January, he pleaded guilty to accepting bribes totalling 81 million yuan
26.3.2024 07:56
In football, more than a dozen coaches and players have been investigated.
26.3.2024 07:56
Now, only a small number of foreign players remain in the league.
26.3.2024 07:57
Recent detentions of major football figures have dealt another setback to the country's football ambitions.
27.3.2024 06:23
27.3.2024 08:15
Oji Holdings is the latest firm to make such a shift in a rapidly ageing Japan,
27.3.2024 08:15
where birth rates are at a record low.
27.3.2024 08:15
Sales of adult nappies outpaced those for infants in the country for more than a decade.
27.3.2024 08:15
was down by 5.1% from the previous year.
28.3.2024 05:19
29.3.2024 04:21
He was found to have stolen billions from customers ahead of the failure.
29.3.2024 04:22
The 32-year-old said in court he knew "a lot of people feel really let down".
29.3.2024 04:22
he said, speaking quietly and clearly ahead of his sentencing.
29.3.2024 04:22
Everyone got duped by Sam Bankman-Fried's big gamble
1.4.2024 09:38
"Some German people drink their beer after work.
1.4.2024 09:39
We just want to smoke our weed."
1.4.2024 09:39
traditionally "beer land"
1.4.2024 09:39
becomes a more cannabis-friendly country.
9.4.2024 06:57
9.4.2024 12:02
An extremely rare blind,
9.4.2024 12:02
Then it devoured more and more
9.4.2024 12:02
until cheers erupted as all finally went dark
10.4.2024 07:44
12.4.2024 09:44
15.4.2024 06:47
15.4.2024 10:01
The biggest names in British theatre walked the red carpet on Sunday
15.4.2024 10:05
as the Olivier Awards took place at London's Royal Albert Hall.
15.4.2024 10:06
Dame Arlene Phillips won the award for best theatre choreographer for her work on Guys & Dolls
15.4.2024 10:07
Actresses (L-R) Janie Dee, Bonnie Langford and Joanna Riding posed together on the green carpet
17.4.2024 10:40
18.4.2024 07:38
19.4.2024 07:21
22.4.2024 05:51
23.4.2024 06:57
Sexual predators are grooming children under six into performing
23.4.2024 06:58
sexual abuse via phones or webcams a charity has warned.
23.4.2024 06:58
Responding to the report Security Minister Tom Tugendhat urged tech firms to do
23.4.2024 06:58
Sometimes children were “completely unaware” they were being recorded.
29.4.2024 08:46
"Haaland is a goalscorer, simple as that,"
29.4.2024 08:46
Tottenham and England winger Chris Waddle on BBC Radio 5 Live.
29.4.2024 08:47
he is a goalscorer and that is what he is good at.
29.4.2024 08:47
It was a good finish and he passed it into the bottom corner
8.5.2024 11:17
Israel made no immediate comment.
8.5.2024 11:17
The Israeli bombardment has been particularly intense around Rafah.
8.5.2024 11:17
Local medics say seven members of one family were killed in one overnight strike.
10.5.2024 09:53
Taylor Swift has kicked off the European leg of her record-breaking Eras tour in France with a revamped setlist.
10.5.2024 09:53
The star cut several songs and re-structured the concert to showcase music from her latest album, The Tortured Poets Department.
10.5.2024 09:53
Fan favourites including The Archer and The 1 were dropped in favour of new songs like Fortnight and Down Bad.
11.5.2024 20:02
ในโลกที่เต็มไปด้วยความสนุกสนานและความตื่นเต้นของเกมพีจีสล็อต ประตูแห่งจินตนาการเปิดอย่างกว้างขวาง เสน่ห์ของการเล่นเกมนี้ไม่เพียงแค่ในการทดลองโชค แต่ยังเป็นการเดินทางผจญภัยที่พาผู้เล่นไปสู่โลกแห่งความรื่นเริงและโชคลาภอันไม่รู้จบ
เกมพีจีสล็อตเป็นที่นิยมอย่างกว้างขวางในวงการลงทุนออนไลน์ เนื่องจากความสนุกสนานและความตื่นเต้นที่ไม่ซ้ำซาก มันเป็นที่รู้จักในการให้ประสบการณ์การเล่นที่น่าจดจำและสนุกสนานที่สุด โดยที่ผู้เล่นจะได้สัมผัสประสบการณ์การเดินทางผจญภัยในโลกที่มีสิ่งมหัศจรรย์และความพิเศษอันไม่ซ้ำซาก
การเปิดประตูแห่งจินตนาการในโลกของเกม PG SLOT ที่เว็บไซต์ https://www.pgslot.to/ นั้นไม่ได้มีความหมายเพียงแค่การสร้างความรื่นเริงให้กับผู้เล่น แต่ยังเป็นการท้าทายและเปิดโอกาสให้กับความโชคดีที่อาจมองไม่เห็นได้ในชีวิตประจำวัน เป็นการเปิดประตูให้ผู้เล่นได้เข้ามาสำรวจและพบเจอกับสิ่งที่ไม่เคยคาดคิดไว้มาก่อน
แต่ประตูแห่งจินตนาการนี้ก็ไม่ได้มากับการเดินทางที่ง่ายดายเสมอไป มันมีความสุ่มสลักและความไม่แน่นอนอยู่เสมอ แต่ก็เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของความสนุกสนานที่ไม่มีที่สิ้นสุด เมื่อผู้เล่นสามารถพบเจอกับโอกาสที่ดีและรับมือกับความท้าทายอย่างเต็มที่ ความรื่นเริงและความพิเศษจะกลายเป็นสิ่งที่ไม่มีวันลืม
ดังนั้น ในการเปิดประตูแห่งจินตนาการสู่โลกแห่งโชคลาภจากเกมพีจีสล็อต มันไม่ใช่เพียงการเล่นเกมเพื่อความสนุกสนานและการทดลองโชค แต่เป็นการผจญภัยในโลกที่มีสิ่งมหัศจรรย์และความพิเศษอันไม่สิ้นสุด มันเป็นการเดินทางที่น่าตื่นเต้นและยาวนานที่ผู้เล่นจะได้สัมผัสถึงความสุขและความพิเศษในทุกๆ วันของชีวิตอันแสนสนุกสนานของพวกเขา ดังนั้น พร้อมจะเปิดประตูและเริ่มการผจญภัยของคุณในโลกแห่งโชคลาภและความสุขหรือไม่
13.5.2024 06:44
Bafta has given out British TV's biggest honours at a ceremony at London's Royal Festival Hall on Sunday.
13.5.2024 06:44
The final seasons of Top Boy and Happy Valley are among the big winners, along with The Sixth Commandment.
13.5.2024 06:44
Sarah Lancashire won the leading actress award for her role in Happy Valley
16.5.2024 10:11
I don't want anyone to think that I ever said these horrible things in my life.
16.5.2024 10:12
Olga Loiek has seen her face appear in various videos on Chinese social media
16.5.2024 10:13
Using a Ukrainian girl for a face promoting Russia. It's crazy.”
21.5.2024 09:05
It has been one of the greatest title races English football has seen
21.5.2024 09:05
with this season's Premier League decided on the final day for just the 10th time.
21.5.2024 09:06
Manchester City, Arsenal and Liverpool fought over top spot before Jurgen Klopp's Reds fell off the pace in the closing weeks.
22.5.2024 10:52
I wanted to see my nan and my sister.
22.5.2024 10:52
I couldn’t even call them because I wasn’t allowed a phone
22.5.2024 10:53
Katy, now 18, is one of thousands of children in England and Wales
27.5.2024 10:35
South Africa’s social media influencers, popular with the youth
27.5.2024 10:36
have been stepping into a new role ahead of this week’s general election
27.5.2024 10:36
With 42% of registered voters under the age of 40,
27.5.2024 10:36
the younger demographic could have a big role to play in Wednesday's election.
27.5.2024 10:36
Karabo “Kay” Mahapa, a TikTok creator who boasts over 350,000 followers
28.5.2024 10:41
David Beckham has signed a deal to be a global ambassador for AliExpress
28.5.2024 10:41
an online retail platform owned by Chinese technology giant Alibaba.
28.5.2024 10:41
The announcement comes as the Euros football tournament is due to kick off in Germany next month.
28.5.2024 10:42
The company did not reveal how much it is paying the former England captain.
28.5.2024 10:42
In March, AliExpress agreed an exclusive e-commerce platform partnership with European football's governing body UEFA.
29.5.2024 08:58
Not that you would think it by the scenes in St Mary’s.
29.5.2024 08:58
Northern Ireland's players and staff gathered in the corner of the pitch
29.5.2024 08:59
singing and dancing in front of the travelling support.
30.5.2024 09:58
If you're just joining us now,
30.5.2024 09:58
here's a quick recap of events in Hong Kong's largest trial
30.5.2024 09:58
under the harsh National Security Law (NSL) imposed by China.
30.5.2024 09:58
Rights groups and legal experts had stressed that
30.5.2024 09:58
the group were not expected to have a fair trial given the law's powerful scope
31.5.2024 11:51
If you cannot see the quiz, try this link.
31.5.2024 11:51
Try last week's quiz or have a go at something from the archives.
31.5.2024 11:51
What information do we collect from this quiz
31.5.2024 11:52
A film composer who has worked on James Bond movies,
3.6.2024 06:30
A year ago he was still in the summery afterglow of the Coronation
3.6.2024 06:31
in which the Prince of Wales had played a central role
3.6.2024 06:31
rather tenderly supporting his father the King.
3.6.2024 06:31
The pair had been seen joking together during rehearsals.
3.6.2024 06:31
Fast forward to summer 2024 and there have been massive unexpected pressures.
4.6.2024 06:46
On the stump, she often repeated her basic premise:
4.6.2024 06:46
that she would build the "second floor" of the "Fourth Transformation"
4.6.2024 06:46
that is, the political project of her ally, Mr López Obrador.
4.6.2024 06:47
President López Obrador and his supporters call it the "Fourth Transformation"
4.6.2024 06:47
In essence, she stood on a platform of continuity
11.6.2024 05:23
With China accused of selling electric cars at artificially low prices,
11.6.2024 05:23
the European Union is widely expected to hit them with tariffs this week.
11.6.2024 05:23
An urban runabout that won’t break any speed records, but nor will it break the bank.
11.6.2024 05:24
In China, it has a starting price of 69,800 yuan.
11.6.2024 05:24
If it comes to Europe, it is expected to cost at least double that figure due to safety regulations.
12.6.2024 05:03
Actor Kevin Spacey has described himself as "being too handsy" in the past, in a new interview.
12.6.2024 05:03
Speaking with Piers Morgan, the 64-year-old admitted to "pushing the boundaries"
12.6.2024 05:04
in reference to allegations of inappropriate behaviour that brought his career to a halt in 2017.
12.6.2024 05:04
Last year, the actor was found not guilty of all charges of sexual assault against four men between 2001 and 2013 after a trial in London,
12.6.2024 05:04
and in 2022 a US court dismissed a sexual assault lawsuit against him.
13.6.2024 05:41
Meanwhile, specific charges will apply to three companies:
13.6.2024 05:41
Non-Chinese car companies who produce some EVs in China
13.6.2024 05:41
including EU-based ones like BMW, will also be affected.
13.6.2024 05:42
These charges would come on top of the current rate of 10% tariff levied on all electric cars produced in China.
13.6.2024 05:42
The decision has drawn criticism not just from China, but also from politicians within the EU and several industry figures.
14.6.2024 05:15
"It's a pretty ringing endorsement," said car industry analyst Karl Brauer.
14.6.2024 05:16
Mr Musk got more than enough shareholder support "to justify the package," he added.
14.6.2024 05:16
The company did not immediately disclose the margin of the vote.
14.6.2024 05:16
Mr Musk had previewed the results in a post on his social media company, X, formerly known as Twitter.
14.6.2024 05:17
Shares in the company closed up nearly 3% after Mr Musk's announcement.
17.6.2024 05:53
China's Premier Li Qiang has offered to send Australia two new pandas during his visit to Adelaide Zoo.
17.6.2024 05:54
The new pandas will replace the zoo's existing pandas,
17.6.2024 05:54
named Wang Wang and Fu Ni,
17.6.2024 05:54
who are "friendly messengers of China-Australia relations," Mr Li Said.
17.6.2024 05:54
Mr Li's arrival in Australia on a four-day trip is the first by a Chinese leader in seven years,
18.6.2024 05:55
His comments come as Russia shows no sign of easing its war against Ukraine.
18.6.2024 05:55
When pressed on what Nato members might do about China's support of Russia,
18.6.2024 05:55
Mr Stoltenberg said there was an "ongoing conversation" about possible sanctions.
18.6.2024 05:55
He said China was "sharing a lot of technologies, [like] micro-electronics,
18.6.2024 05:56
which are key for Russia to build missiles, weapons they use against Ukraine".
19.6.2024 05:10
In what is proving a growing theme of this tournament,
19.6.2024 05:10
it was another young star who delivered the winning moment as 21-year-old substitute Conceicao slammed home from close range.
19.6.2024 05:11
Heartbreak but positives to take for Czech Republic
20.6.2024 05:03
Latif Madoi, a prominent Ugandan designer,
20.6.2024 05:03
was at his fashion academy on 13 May when police officers marched into the building.
20.6.2024 05:03
To Mr Madoi's suprise they put him in cuffs, arresting him and four of his students.
20.6.2024 05:03
They also seized some of designer's sewing machines and finished garments.
20.6.2024 05:04
More than a month later, Mr Madoi remains in Kasangati prison, on the outskirts of the capital, Kampala.
21.6.2024 05:07
Nvidia has handed back the position as the world’s most valuable company to Microsoft after its share price fell by more than 3.5% on Thursday.
21.6.2024 05:08
The artificial intelligence (AI) chip giant briefly held the top spot from Tuesday, with a stock market valuation of $3.34tn (£2.64tn).
21.6.2024 05:08
But Nvidia's shares fell to $130.78 on Thursday, sending its value down to around $3.22tn,
21.6.2024 05:08
with Microsoft reclaiming the title as it held steady at more than $3.3tn.
21.6.2024 05:08
Nvidia's rise has been fuelled by its dominance of what analysts call the "new gold or oil in the tech sector" - the chips that power AI.
24.6.2024 05:37
A boy with severe epilepsy has become the first patient in the world to trial a new device fitted in their skull to control seizures.
24.6.2024 05:37
The neurostimulator, which sends electrical signals deep into his brain,
24.6.2024 05:37
has reduced Oran Knowlson’s daytime seizures by 80%.
24.6.2024 05:37
His mother, Justine, told the BBC he was happier and had a “much better quality of life”.
24.6.2024 05:38
The surgery was carried out in October as part of a trial at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London when Oran - who is now 13 - was 12.
25.6.2024 05:22
Even in the exuberant world of Taiwanese politics, Even in the exuberant world of Taiwanese politics,
25.6.2024 05:23
and not just because of the pink highlights in her hair and love for cosplay.
25.6.2024 05:23
Known for her fiery speeches and progressive views,
25.6.2024 05:23
the 31-year-old made history in January when she won a seat in parliament
25.6.2024 05:23
and became the island’s first openly gay legislator.
26.6.2024 05:31
Shania Twain hopes to pull off a Glastonbury first by riding a horse to the Pyramid stage on Sunday, ahead of her teatime Legends slot.
26.6.2024 05:31
When asked about any special plans for her appearance,
26.6.2024 05:31
the Canadian singer told BBC Breakfast:
26.6.2024 05:32
I love horses. I love animals I’m going to see if there’s a horse around, I can borrow.
26.6.2024 05:32
I’d love to ride a horse to the stage," but admitted, "I’ll have to find out if it’s allowed.
27.6.2024 05:07
In 2011, the last time India won a cricket World Cup,
27.6.2024 05:08
everybody knew it would be batter Sachin Tendulkar’s final chance.
27.6.2024 05:08
He was 39, it was his sixth attempt,
27.6.2024 05:08
and the team’s unofficial slogan was "Let’s do it for Sachin".
27.6.2024 05:08
After skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni hit the winning six,
28.6.2024 05:03
England's defence of the T20 World Cup is over after
28.6.2024 05:04
Set 172 on a difficult pitch to make Saturday's final,
28.6.2024 05:04
England's batters folded and were dismissed for 103 in 16.4 overs.
28.6.2024 05:04
Captain Jos Buttler gave them a solid start with 23 but his wicket was the first of four for 20 runs.
1.7.2024 05:44
At 15, Tolu isn’t old enough to vote in this election.
1.7.2024 05:44
But, one night from her bedroom in London,
1.7.2024 05:44
she posted a video on TikTok criticising politicians’ anti-immigration rhetoric.
1.7.2024 05:45
She woke up to find it had reached tens of thousands of people,
1.7.2024 05:45
more than many posts from the major political parties.
2.7.2024 05:01
Six conservative-leaning justices signed the majority opinion,
2.7.2024 05:02
but the three liberals dissented.
2.7.2024 05:02
Led by Sonia Sotomayor,
2.7.2024 05:02
they expressed "fear for our democracy".
2.7.2024 05:02
Justice Sotomayor outlined hypothetical situations where the concept of immunity could apply.
3.7.2024 04:53
Last month, AI chip giant Nvidia briefly became the world’s richest company,
3.7.2024 04:53
overtaking Microsoft, which had in turn risen above Apple.
3.7.2024 04:53
When this news was mentioned on stage at a tech industry event I attended in Copenhagen,
3.7.2024 04:53
there was spontaneous applause from the audience.
3.7.2024 04:54
As I write, Nvidia is now back in second place,
4.7.2024 04:58
China is famous for exporting toys around world - not importing them.
4.7.2024 04:58
The boxes were opened for a spot check
4.7.2024 04:58
and instead of finding the promised toddler’s cooking set or a board game inside,
4.7.2024 04:59
they discovered bundles of endangered succulent plants all carefully wrapped in toilet paper.
4.7.2024 04:59
About a year later, the authorities at the same airport came across cardboard boxes labelled as mushrooms.
5.7.2024 05:10
It is these patterns that, above all,
5.7.2024 05:10
help explain why the Conservative seat tally is expected to be so low.
5.7.2024 05:10
However, how many seats Reform will win is highly uncertain.
5.7.2024 05:11
Our model suggests there are many places where they have a chance -
5.7.2024 05:11
but a relatively low one - of winning.
8.7.2024 06:17
Stacey Ellis, a lifelong Democrat from Pennsylvania,
8.7.2024 06:17
should be the kind of voter that US President Joe Biden can count on.
8.7.2024 06:18
her support has worn thin – and every time she shops at the supermarket,
8.7.2024 06:18
she is reminded how things have changed for the worse.
9.7.2024 05:46
“Victory was stolen from them using dirty tricks,”
9.7.2024 05:46
Corrine said as her children played in a playground in Eysines,
9.7.2024 05:46
a suburb of Bordeaux in France.
9.7.2024 05:46
She couldn’t hide her disappointment that the party she backs,
9.7.2024 05:47
the far right Rassemblement National,
10.7.2024 05:39
When Luca was born in a Perth hospital two years ago,
10.7.2024 05:39
it flipped his parents’ world in ways they never expected.
10.7.2024 05:39
With the joy came a shocking diagnosis:
10.7.2024 05:40
Luca had cystic fibrosis.
10.7.2024 05:40
Then Australia - Laura Currie and her husband Dante’s home for eight years
15.7.2024 05:48
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” the former president said
15.7.2024 05:48
as some of the supporters,
15.7.2024 05:48
who moments before had feared for their lives,
15.7.2024 05:48
began cheering.
15.7.2024 05:49
The bloodshed in Pennsylvania will leave a lasting mark on the American psyche,
16.7.2024 05:41
Shannen Doherty has been remembered as a "beloved" actress with "heart,
16.7.2024 05:42
courage and kindness"
16.7.2024 05:42
following her death from cancer at the age of 53.
16.7.2024 05:42
Doherty was known for roles in 1990s teen drama Beverly Hills,
16.7.2024 05:42
90210 and supernatural series Charmed.
17.7.2024 05:11
Some jobs are also reserved for women,
17.7.2024 05:11
ethnic minorities and the disabled.
17.7.2024 05:12
A third of posts are kept for the children of those categorised as war heroes.
17.7.2024 05:12
The students argue that the system is discriminatory,
17.7.2024 05:12
and they want recruitment based on merit.
18.7.2024 05:04
Speeding along a road in the foothills of the Swiss Alps,
18.7.2024 05:04
Fariba Hashimi rises out of the saddle of her £15,000 bike
18.7.2024 05:05
and works the pedals even harder to close the gap between her and her sister,
18.7.2024 05:05
Yulduz, a few metres up ahead.
18.7.2024 05:05
Training rides like this are the last steps on a journey
19.7.2024 04:42
There is never a time when kicking, or any sense of that is right
19.7.2024 04:42
Mark Borkowski told BBC News. "
19.7.2024 04:42
And he knows that.
19.7.2024 04:43
He knows he's made a mistake. He apologised at the time.
19.7.2024 04:43
But McDermott said she was involved in incidents she now finds "incredibly distressing" to watch back.
22.7.2024 05:22
"I had this sense of calm, a calm I didn't have when I played earlier at the PGA.
22.7.2024 05:22
For some reason, I was calm and collected.
22.7.2024 05:23
I was telling my caddie Austin that I felt pretty calm coming down the stretch and he said he was about to puke on the 18th tee!
22.7.2024 05:23
I just told myself to just hit it down there and keep moving along.
22.7.2024 05:23
And it began before the leaders teed off.
23.7.2024 05:11
Many of us avoid thinking about death, but not Keanu Reeves.
23.7.2024 05:11
"I'm 59, so I'm thinking about death all the time,"
23.7.2024 05:11
the Hollywood megastar has revealed to BBC News.
23.7.2024 05:11
That's a good thing, he adds.
23.7.2024 05:12
This time, it's a new book - Reeves' first novel.
26.7.2024 04:49
Ten years ago, musician Usman Riaz grabbed a pencil and started to sketch.
26.7.2024 04:49
He might have hoped, but didn't know at the time,
26.7.2024 04:49
that it would start him on a path to making history.
26.7.2024 04:50
That initial drawing became The Glassworker -
29.7.2024 05:51
“Spot something missing? Hahah," the post was captioned.
29.7.2024 05:52
“To be here… to be able to hold my beautiful Eve and my family is everything to me,” he wrote.
29.7.2024 05:52
"I’ll be back in that water in no time!" he added.
29.7.2024 05:52
The 23-year-old managed to catch a wave into shore,
29.7.2024 05:52
where he was helped by an bystander who made a makeshift tourniquet to stem the bleeding.
30.7.2024 05:26
Israeli far-right protesters have broken into an army base in a show of
30.7.2024 05:26
support for soldiers accused of severely mistreating a Palestinian prisoner there.
30.7.2024 05:26
Large crowds gathered outside the Sde Teiman compound after Israeli military policePalestinian prisoner there.
30.7.2024 05:27
entered it to detain the reservists, who are now subject to an official investigation.
30.7.2024 05:27
Sde Teiman near Beersheba in southern Israel has for months been
31.7.2024 04:48
Across the summer in the UK there’s a music festival pretty much every week somewhere in the country.
31.7.2024 04:48
Highlights include the summer kick off with Radio 1’s Big Weekend in May,
31.7.2024 04:48
Glastonbury’s dominance in June, Latitude in July and a Reading and Leeds Bank Holiday bonanza in August.
31.7.2024 04:49
Some could argue British music lovers are spoilt for choice.
31.7.2024 04:49
"When I was living in Kosovo, none of the artists I wanted to see ever came down."
1.8.2024 05:11
Chinese swimmers headed to Paris were drug-tested twice as much as some other nations,
1.8.2024 05:11
which, in turn, has fuelled accusations of a conspiracy to disrupt their performance.
1.8.2024 05:12
Wada said in its statement on Tuesday
1.8.2024 05:12
The result is that it has created distrust and division within the anti-doping system.
1.8.2024 05:12
A trade war, geopolitical rivalries and Beijing's friendship with Russia have soured relations between the world's two largest economies.
2.8.2024 05:43
The swap took place on the runway at Ankara airport earlier on Thursday.
2.8.2024 05:43
The deal had been more than 18 months in the making and appears to have hinged on Moscow's demand for the return of Vadim Krasikov.
2.8.2024 05:44
He was serving a life sentence in Germany for carrying out an assassination in a Berlin park, and is now back in Russia.
2.8.2024 05:44
Senior US administration officials described him as a "bad dude" and said he was "certainly the biggest fish the Russians wanted back".
2.8.2024 05:44
His widow Yulia welcomed the swap, describing it as a "joy".
5.8.2024 05:44
Saturday’s women’s vault final saw the North share a stage with its foes South Korea and the US.
5.8.2024 05:45
After all, this comes after a heated period that has seen the North sending waste-filled balloons at the South
5.8.2024 05:45
The contrasting support for An and Biles could not have been starker. In an earlier competition during the Games in Paris
5.8.2024 05:45
, Biles was memorably cheered on by a host of celebrity supporters in the stands,
5.8.2024 05:45
including Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, Tom Cruise and Snoop Dogg.
6.8.2024 04:56
A US judge has ruled Google acted illegally to crush its competition and maintain a monopoly on online search and related advertising.
6.8.2024 04:56
The landmark decision on Monday is a major blow to Alphabet,
6.8.2024 04:57
Google's parent company, and could reshape how technology giants do business.
6.8.2024 04:57
Google was sued by the US Department of Justice in 2020 over its control of about 90% of the online search market.
6.8.2024 04:58
It is one of several lawsuits that have been filed against the big tech companies as US antitrust authorities attempt to strengthen competition in the industry.
7.8.2024 04:53
Mr Walz told a packed arena in Philadelphia that Trump "sees the world differently".
7.8.2024 04:53
He doesn’t know the first thing about service - because he's too busy serving himself,
7.8.2024 04:54
These guys are creepy and, yes, just weird as hell,
7.8.2024 04:54
Mr Walz said of their Republican challengers.
7.8.2024 04:54
“Mind your own damn business!" he said, drawing an ovation from the crowd of more than 10,000 at Temple University.
8.8.2024 11:14
but failed to get over 4.40m and subsequently did not reach Wednesday's final.
8.8.2024 11:14
Greece's anti-doping agency informed the Greek Olympic Committee (HOC) of the violation on Monday.
8.8.2024 11:14
The HOC said on Tuesday that a member of its team had been expelled from the athletes' village but did not confirm an identity.
8.8.2024 11:14
Polak, who also featured at Tokyo 2020, denies any wrongdoing.
9.8.2024 05:40
ABC News has said it will host the first debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris on 10 September.
9.8.2024 05:40
The network confirmed the showdown in a post on X, formerly Twitter,
9.8.2024 05:41
after Trump said on Thursday that he would be open to debating his Democratic rival multiple times before the November election.
9.8.2024 05:41
We think we should do three debates,” Trump said,
9.8.2024 05:41
suggesting two additional debates that he said would be hosted by Fox News and NBC, respectively.
12.8.2024 11:05
It was early in the morning. The 24-year-old uniformed policeman had just come on shift.
12.8.2024 11:06
CCTV pictures show him strolling out past a guard post, his rifle slung casually at his side.
12.8.2024 11:06
Seconds later, a man in jeans and a dark T-shirt emerges from the direction of the white van, uniformed Israeli soldiers behind him.
12.8.2024 11:06
He raises a handgun and shoots Abdel Nasser dead.
13.8.2024 05:33
Australian authorities say the stabbing was "mental health" related,
13.8.2024 05:33
but they believe Cauchi targeted women.
13.8.2024 05:33
desperately seeking help for her injured baby girl.
13.8.2024 05:34
Baby Harriet - the youngest victim targeted
14.8.2024 05:20
The Australian city of Melbourne has banned rental electronic scooters with officials saying they posed unacceptable safety risks.
14.8.2024 05:20
The U-turn by the city’s council comes after it first welcomed the scooters in February 2022, saying they would operate a two-year trial.
14.8.2024 05:20
However, hundreds of accidents since then have sparked complaints and outrage from the public.
14.8.2024 05:20
Melbourne's mayor said he was "fed up" with the bad behaviour of some scooter users.
14.8.2024 05:20
City councillors voted 6-4 on Tuesday evening local time to ban the scooters almost immediately.
15.8.2024 05:23
How common is mpox and in which countries does it occur?
15.8.2024 05:23
Mpox disease is caused by the monkeypox virus.
15.8.2024 05:24
This is from the same group of viruses as smallpox but is much less harmful.
15.8.2024 05:24
The virus was originally transmitted from animals to humans but now also passes between humans.
15.8.2024 05:24
It is most common in remote villages in the tropical rainforests of Africa,
16.8.2024 05:04
Gunn - who is known as B-girl Raygun - has been the subject of a social media storm since breaking's debut at the Paris Games last week.
16.8.2024 05:04
Australian breakdancer Rachael Gunn says the backlash to her performance at the Olympics has been "devastating".
16.8.2024 05:04
A petition calling for an apology from Gunn, 36, as well as from Australia's Olympic chef de mission Anna Meares, now has more than 54,000 signatures.
16.8.2024 05:04
Gunn said she didn't realise her appearance would "open the door to so much hate".
16.8.2024 05:05
"I really appreciated the positivity and I’m glad I was able to bring some joy into your lives - that’s what I hoped.
19.8.2024 05:43
French film legend Alain Delon has died at the age of 88.
19.8.2024 05:43
The actor was a star of the golden era of French cinema,
19.8.2024 05:43
known for his tough-guy persona on screen in hits including The Samurai and Borsalino.
19.8.2024 05:43
Delon has been in poor health in recent years and become a virtual recluse.
19.8.2024 05:44
More recently, the breakdown of his family had been making headlines in France.
20.8.2024 05:31
It was all dark. In the water I couldn’t keep my eyes open.
26.8.2024 06:40
This morning's exchange of strikes between Israel and Hezbollah appears to be a significant escalation.
26.8.2024 06:40
If that 100 figure is correct, it would be the largest Israeli attack on Lebanon since the full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah in 2006.
26.8.2024 06:40
According to reporting by the New York Times, quoting an anonymous Israeli intelligence official,
26.8.2024 06:41
this included rocket strikes on Tel Aviv, the country’s biggest city, deep inside central Israel.
26.8.2024 06:41
Across the region, the fear is this latest escalation could once again lead to all-out war.
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26.8.2024 06:41
Ever since, the region has been waiting for a response from both Hezbollah and Iran.
26.8.2024 06:41
But this appears to be Hezbollah’s first significant retaliation.
26.8.2024 06:41
But Hezbollah is a far more formidable force than Hamas.
26.8.2024 06:42
It’s estimated it has around 150,000 rockets, some capable of reaching targets across Israel.
27.8.2024 06:11
Except that "mysterious" is a bit of an understatement.
27.8.2024 06:11
We haven’t heard any official statements.
27.8.2024 06:11
In Moscow, the Kremlin is being cautious.
27.8.2024 06:12
Before I can say anything at all about this, we need some clarity.”
27.8.2024 06:12
Clarity is not something of which everyone in Russia feels the need.
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27.8.2024 06:12
On Monday, state TV’s flagship political talk show had plenty to say on the matter.
27.8.2024 06:12
“If Telegram crashes,” Moskovsky Komsomolets asked today, “how is [our army] going to fight?”
27.8.2024 06:12
In the West, Pavel Durov’s detention has sparked a debate about free speech.
27.8.2024 06:13
“No,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov replied when I asked.
28.8.2024 05:56
An emotional Naomi Osaka made a triumphant US Open return by beating Jelena Ostapenko in a blockbuster first-round match.
28.8.2024 05:57
Japan's Osaka is a two-time champion at Flushing Meadows,
28.8.2024 05:57
winning the first of her four Grand Slam titles in New York in 2018 and repeating the feat in 2020.
28.8.2024 05:57
She missed last year's tournament after giving birth to daughter Shai but watched from the crowd, which reignited her desire to compete.
28.8.2024 05:57
The former world number one faced a tough task against Latvian 10th seed Ostapenko, but came through 6-3 6-2 in just 63 minutes.
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28.8.2024 05:57
Osaka covered her face with her towel as she cried tears of joy and relief after the win, and became emotional again in her on-court interview.Latvian 10th seed Ostapenko, but came through 6-3 6-2 in just 63 minutes.
28.8.2024 05:58
"I was trying not to cry when I was walking out," the 26-year-old said.
28.8.2024 05:58
"I remember last year I was watching Coco [Gauff] play and I so badly wanted to step on these courts again.
28.8.2024 05:58
"I didn't know if I could - athletically, physically, if I was able to. Just to play this match and be in this atmosphere means so much to me, so thank you."
29.8.2024 04:55
Complicity in the administration of an online platform to enable illicit transactions by an organised gang
29.8.2024 04:55
Refusal to communicate with authorities
29.8.2024 04:55
Complicity in organised criminal distribution of sexual images of children
29.8.2024 04:56
Mr Durov has so far made no public comments on the latest developments.
29.8.2024 04:56
He also holds passports of St Kitts and Nevis and the United Arab Emirates.
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29.8.2024 04:56
Telegram is ranked as one of the major social media platforms.
29.8.2024 04:56
It was founded in 2013 and is particularly popular in Russia,
29.8.2024 04:57
Ukraine and other former Soviet Union states, as well as Iran.
29.8.2024 04:57
The BBC has contacted Telegram for comment about its refusal to join the child protection schemes.
30.8.2024 05:07
The messages come through on the Israeli phone network - scraps of information from inside Jenin’s refugee camp.
30.8.2024 05:07
"I don’t dare go on the roof, in case I’m shot," one resident says, speaking anonymously.
30.8.2024 05:07
Information inside the camp is scarce, he says, and the streets are empty, as residents stay inside.
30.8.2024 05:07
It’s mostly old people and children here," he tells me.
30.8.2024 05:07
The young people left before the army arrived – it’s bad luck for those who can’t get out."
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30.8.2024 05:08
Jenin, the focus of news networks today, has been living through a news blackout.
30.8.2024 05:08
The Palestinian phone network was down for much of the day - lines cut by the Israeli military operation here, the telecoms company said.
30.8.2024 05:08
As we talk, a few scattered gunshots reverberate over the rooftops from the direction of the camp.
30.8.2024 05:08
"Yes, I heard them too," he says. "The sound of the drones has increased."
3.9.2024 05:38
The final is on Tuesday at 11:14 BST.
3.9.2024 05:38
What are the rules and what has been the reaction?
3.9.2024 05:38
Speaking to BBC Sport before the Games, Petrillo, who transitioned in 2019, said her participation in Paris would be an "important symbol of inclusion".
3.9.2024 05:38
After Monday's heat, she added: "The atmosphere in the stadium is great, it's just a dream come true.
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3.9.2024 05:39
Currently, there is no unified position in sport towards transgender inclusion.
3.9.2024 05:39
The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) allows international sport governing bodies to set their own policies.
3.9.2024 05:39
It had been reported Petrillo was the first openly transgender athlete to compete at the Paralympics.
3.9.2024 05:39
Van Kranen's story was not widely known at the time.
4.9.2024 05:28
“I ran outside, there was smoke and dust everywhere…lots of people were outside having a cigarette, and many were killed…”
4.9.2024 05:29
He says that what he saw has affected him psychologically, that there was “too much blood, too many dead bodies.”
4.9.2024 05:29
For her, the attack is personal. Her husband is fighting on the frontline in the Donbas region.
4.9.2024 05:29
“Soldiers have died here and I know there are still soldiers still under the rubble. Their wives are waiting for them."
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4.9.2024 05:29
"Just imagine this life and like this several times per day. We can't continue like this. It's just not fair."
4.9.2024 05:30
It confirmed additional measures to ensure safety at military facilities would be increased.
4.9.2024 05:30
"At home, we immediately ran into the bathroom with the child, but then gathered ourselves".
4.9.2024 05:30
She added that there is no bomb shelter "in our radius", and it "takes a long time to run somewhere".
5.9.2024 05:23
Sandhya’s body was found lying next day in the sugarcane farms, some 500 metres from her home.
5.9.2024 05:23
Earlier in the month, in a neighbouring village, eight-year-old Utkarsh was sleeping under a mosquito net when his mother spotted a wolf creeping into their hut.
5.9.2024 05:23
So why are wolves attacking humans in Bahraich?
5.9.2024 05:23
Why would children be a target of the wolves in search of food?
5.9.2024 05:24
It is unclear whether the ongoing attacks are by a lone wolf or a pack. Based on his 30 years of studying wolves,
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5.9.2024 05:24
Mr Jhala believes that a single wolf - like in 1996 - is probably responsible for the recent killings.
5.9.2024 05:24
Villagers have reported seeing a group of five to six wolves in their fields during the day,
5.9.2024 05:24
while the mother of eight-year-old Utkarsh, who survived,
5.9.2024 05:24
saw a single wolf entering her home and attacking her son.
6.9.2024 05:26
Great Britain's Daniel Pembroke smashed the world record in the men's F13 javelin as he retained his Paralympic title in Paris.
6.9.2024 05:26
The 33-year-old threw 74.49 metres with his fourth effort at Stade de France on Thursday.
6.9.2024 05:27
That bettered the previous record of 71.01m - set by Aleksandr Svechnikov of Uzbekistan in 2017 - by 3.48m.
6.9.2024 05:27
Pembroke had already broken Svechnikov's mark with an effort of 71.15m from his third throw, before going even further.
6.9.2024 05:27
The Briton retains the title he won three years ago in Tokyo, having also won two world titles since the last Games.
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6.9.2024 05:27
In the morning session, Anna Nicholson was "over the moon" to win bronze in the women's F35 shot put amid heavy rain.
6.9.2024 05:27
She made light of the conditions to throw 9.44 metres - just 3cm short of her personal best - and claim third place.
6.9.2024 05:28
However, team-mate Olivia Breen missed out on a Paralympic medal by the tightest of margins in the women's T38 long jump.
6.9.2024 05:28
Breen's best jump was 4.99 metres, level with bronze medal winner Karen Palomeque Moreno of Colombia.
9.9.2024 10:56
It lifted roofs from buildings and uprooted trees, leading to power outages across the region, including in the capital, Hanoi.
9.9.2024 10:56
Videos online showed car drivers slowing down to shield motorbike riders trapped on the roads due to strong winds.
9.9.2024 10:56
State media said four people died in the northern Quang Ninh province, with another killed in Hai Duong, near Hanoi.
9.9.2024 10:57
In the port city of Hai Phong, several areas were under half a metre (1.6 feet) of flood waters on Sunday, with power lines and electrical poles damaged, according to AFP.
9.9.2024 10:57
Power outages hit parts of Hai Phong - home to multinational factories - on Saturday, while four of north Vietnam's airports suspended operations for much of the day.
9.9.2024 10:57
At the Hai Au boat lock on Tuan Chau island, north of Hai Phong, at least 23 boats were seriously damaged or sunk, according to local residents.
ahrefs 教學
9.9.2024 10:57
51-year-old sailor Pham Van Thanh told AFP he had never experienced such a strong and violent typhoon.
ahrefs 教學
9.9.2024 10:58
51-year-old sailor Pham Van Thanh told AFP he had never experienced such a strong and violent typhoon.
11.9.2024 05:42
"I thought it was important that during a time where all we see is visuals, that the world can focus on the voice," the star said.
11.9.2024 05:42
"The music is so rich in history and instrumentation. It takes months to digest, research, and understand," she said.
11.9.2024 05:42
"The music needed space to breathe on its own.""The music needed space to breathe on its own."
11.9.2024 05:42
She added that, for Renaissance in particular, the live concert experience was more important than filming music videos.
11.9.2024 05:43
"We all got the visual on tour."
11.9.2024 05:43
The GQ article did not reveal a great deal about the notoriously private star.
ahrefs 教學
11.9.2024 05:43
The star also talked about her efforts to shield her family from the press.
12.9.2024 05:37
Hosting the Pope for even a single evening - as the stadium will - is no small feat.
12.9.2024 05:37
It is a hive of activity the day before Mass.
12.9.2024 05:37
The pitch is covered with rubber flooring. The rows of chairs are growing as workers unload more of them.
12.9.2024 05:38
"Once he got on the plane and visited the other countries, the reality hit that it's coming up: we are next."
12.9.2024 05:38
Meanwhile security volunteers are working with the police to secure an area around the Pope and guard where he is staying in Singapore.
12.9.2024 05:38
"Because of the current heightened sense of security, the police have been very active in working with us," says Kevin Ho, who heads the security volunteer team.
12.9.2024 05:39
"Our volunteers have been having sleepless nights, doing the operational work. We are trying to make the visit as safe and successful as it can be."
ahrefs 教學
12.9.2024 05:39
"Seeing the Pope in person feels like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,"
13.9.2024 05:50
The MoD said: “We are open to exploring faux fur alternatives if they pass the necessary requirements."
13.9.2024 05:51
The bearskin caps worn by soldiers outside Buckingham Palace now cost more than £2,000 each, figures from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) show.
13.9.2024 05:51
Elisa Allen, of Peta, called on the MoD to "stop wasting taxpayer pounds on caps made from slaughtered wildlife, and switch to faux fur today".
13.9.2024 05:51
The bearskin caps worn by soldiers outside Buckingham Palace now cost more than £2,000 each, figures from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) show.
13.9.2024 05:52
Animal welfare campaigners have claimed it is cruel and unnecessary for the King's Guard to use real fur, saying it takes the fur of one bear to make each bearskin.
13.9.2024 05:52
Queen Camilla switched this year to only buying fake fur clothes, saying in a letter she would "not procure any new fur garments".
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13.9.2024 05:52
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) group are against using real fur in principle,
16.9.2024 05:38
The incident unfolded at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida.
16.9.2024 05:39
The agents usually go one hole ahead of time to where Trump is, according to security officials.
16.9.2024 05:39
Agents spotted a rifle barrel poking out of bushes at around 13:30 local time (17:30 GMT).
16.9.2024 05:39
He told a press conference the gunman was "in an area in the shrubbery where he could see both holes".
16.9.2024 05:39
Officials also said that Trump was about 300-500 yards (274-557m) away from the shooter.
16.9.2024 05:40
The shooter fled in a car. He was later stopped and arrested on I-95 highway close to the golf course.
16.9.2024 05:40
A "witness" who saw the gunman was able to take photographs of his car and license plate, according to the sheriff.
ahrefs 教學
16.9.2024 05:40
An individual described as a "potential suspect" is currently being held in custody.
18.9.2024 08:11
For those in the US, you'll want to gaze upwards between 20:41 EST and 00:47 EST - or at 22:44 EST to see the maximum part of the eclipse.
18.9.2024 08:12
It will only be visible in countries where it is still dark at that time
18.9.2024 08:12
that means the UK and the US are some of the best spots to watch it,
18.9.2024 08:12
along with Latin America, Europe and Africa.
18.9.2024 08:12
Small parts of Asia and the Middle East will also be able to catch some of the eclipse, and for everyone else,
18.9.2024 08:12
there's a livestream at the top of this page for you.
18.9.2024 08:12
The supermoon is a little less exclusive though - the good news is the entire world will be be able to see it at some point over the next day or so.
18.9.2024 08:13
Tonight is not just a full moon, but a "supermoon" - which means the moon is at its closest point to Earth on its orbit and is therefore looking bigger and brighter.
18.9.2024 08:13
There will also be a partial lunar eclipse - meaning a shadow created by Earth will darken a small part of the moon's surface.
19.9.2024 05:52
The US central bank has lowered interest rates for the first time in more than four years with a bigger than usual cut.
19.9.2024 05:53
The Federal Reserve reduced the target for its key lending rate by 0.5 percentage points, to the range of 4.75%-5%.
19.9.2024 05:53
Jerome Powell, the head of the bank, said the move was "strong" but that it was needed as price rises ease and job market concerns grow.
19.9.2024 05:53
It will be a relief to US borrowers, who have been dealing with the highest interest rates in more than two decades.
19.9.2024 05:53
Wednesday's cut was larger than many analysts had predicted just a week ago, and the bank's forecast signalled that rates could fall another half percentage point by the end of the year.
19.9.2024 05:53
"The labour market is in a strong place - we want to keep it there," Mr Powell said. "That's what we're doing."
19.9.2024 05:54
The move by the Fed follows cuts by other central banks, including those in Europe, the UK, and Canada and a reduction was widely expected.
19.9.2024 05:54
But ahead of the meeting there was unusual uncertainty about how large a cut officials would approve.
19.9.2024 05:54
"Many may be left wondering what the Fed sees on the horizon to prompt such a bold move."
19.9.2024 05:54
The Fed raised interest rates sharply starting in 2022, aiming to cool the economy and stabilise prices, which were then surging at the fastest pace since the 1980s.
20.9.2024 05:50
Shohei Ohtani created baseball history when he became the first player to hit 50 home runs and steal 50 bases in a season.
20.9.2024 05:51
The Los Angeles Dodgers superstar stole third base in the first inning against the Miami Marlins to hit the first part of the record.
20.9.2024 05:51
He then recorded his 51st steal before smashing a 49th home run of the season in the sixth inning,
20.9.2024 05:51
tying a Dodgers' record for most home runs in a season set by Shawn Green in 2001.
20.9.2024 05:51
Ohtani then made it 50 home runs in the next inning to become the first player to record the 50-50- feat.
20.9.2024 05:52
The 30-year-old Japanese player joined the Dodgers on a 10-year $700m (£527m) contract in December
20.9.2024 05:52
the biggest deal in the sport's history - which made him one of the highest-earning athletes in the world.
20.9.2024 05:52
The image is Mongolian lore brought to life
20.9.2024 05:52
the horse, with its deep connection to Mongolian history,
20.9.2024 05:52
the universe can expand, and anything is possible.
23.9.2024 06:11
Former President Donald Trump has said he does not expect to run for election again in 2028 if he is defeated in this November's US presidential poll.
23.9.2024 06:11
Trump, 78, has been the Republican candidate for three national elections in a row and has reshaped the party greatly over the last eight years.
23.9.2024 06:12
In an interview with Sinclair Media Group, he was asked if he could foresee another run in the event that he loses to Democratic Vice-President Kamala Harris.
23.9.2024 06:12
But he added that "hopefully, we're going to be very successful".
23.9.2024 06:12
US law bars presidents from serving more than two terms, and so Trump is not expected to run in 2028 if he wins, either.
23.9.2024 06:12
But this is the second time in four days he has mentioned a chance of defeat.
23.9.2024 06:13
Her campaign raised more than $190m (£142m) in August, compared to $130m brought in by the Trump campaign and affiliated organisations.
23.9.2024 06:13
The BBC has contacted the Trump campaign for comment on the polling data.
23.9.2024 06:13
But like other surveys, the NBC poll showed Trump held a clear advantage with voters on some of the election's biggest issues, including the economy, the cost of living and immigration.
24.9.2024 06:08
At first glance, Dunpo Elementary is no different from the thousands of elementary schools dotted across South Korea.
24.9.2024 06:08
But look just beneath the surface and the differences are stark.
24.9.2024 06:08
For one thing, most of the students in this school in Asan, an industrial city near the capital Seoul, may look ethnically Korean, but cannot speak the language.
24.9.2024 06:08
“If I don’t translate into Russian for them, the other kids won’t understand any of the lessons,” says 11-year-old Kim Yana.
24.9.2024 06:09
Yana speaks the best Korean in her class - but she and most of her 22 classmates are native Russian speakers.
24.9.2024 06:09
Nearly 80% of the pupils at Dunpo are categorised as “multicultural students”, meaning they are either foreigners or have a parent who is not a Korean citizen.
24.9.2024 06:09
And while the school says it is difficult to know exactly what these students' nationalities are,
24.9.2024 06:09
most of them are believed to be Koryoins: ethnic Koreans typically hailing from countries in Central Asia.
24.9.2024 06:09
Ni Denis, who migrated to South Korea from Kazakhstan in 2018, is one of them.
24.9.2024 06:10
"Without Koryoins," he said. "these factories wouldn’t run."
25.9.2024 05:46
Routh, 58, already faces up to 20 years behind bars on two gun-related charges.
25.9.2024 05:47
But he faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted on the new, more serious charge.
25.9.2024 05:47
It comes a day after a court filing showed Ryan Wesley Routh had written a note months ago saying he intended to kill Trump.
25.9.2024 05:47
Court documents show the case has been assigned through random selection to US District Judge Aileen Cannon.
25.9.2024 05:47
“Violence targeting public officials endangers everything our country stands for,
25.9.2024 05:47
US Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement, vowing to "use every available tool" to hold Routh accountable.
25.9.2024 05:48
Trump has accused the government of mishandling the case, writing in a social media post on Monday that the justice department should “LET FLORIDA HANDLE THE CASE!”
25.9.2024 05:48
But Garland rebuffed that, telling reporters on Tuesday that his agency will “seek to cooperate and get assistance from” state officials “consistent with the law”.
25.9.2024 05:48
Court documents show the case has been assigned through random selection to US District Judge Aileen Cannon.
25.9.2024 05:48
The suspect is being held at a detention centre in South Florida since his arrest on 15 September.
26.9.2024 05:51
Get ready for a cosmic surprise this autumn - Earth is about to get a second moon, according to scientists.
26.9.2024 05:51
A small asteroid is going to be captured by Earth’s gravitational pull and temporarily become a "mini-moon".
26.9.2024 05:51
This space visitor will be around from September 29 for a couple of months before escaping from Earth's gravity again.
26.9.2024 05:51
Sadly the second moon is going to be too small and dim to be seen, unless you have a professional telescope.
26.9.2024 05:51
The asteroid was first spotted by NASA’s Asteroid Terrestrial-Impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) on 7 August.
26.9.2024 05:51
Scientists worked out its trajectory in a study published in Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society.
26.9.2024 05:52
The asteroid, which scientists refer to as 2024 PT5, hails from the Arjuna asteroid belt, which contains rocks that follow an orbit quite similar to Earth’s.
26.9.2024 05:52
The asteroid, which scientists refer to as 2024 PT5, hails from the Arjuna asteroid belt, which contains rocks that follow an orbit quite similar to Earth’s.
26.9.2024 05:52
Occasionally, some of these asteroids get relatively close, getting as near as 2.8 million miles (4.5 million km) from our planet.
26.9.2024 05:52
Which is exactly what’s about to happen - starting this weekend, this small asteroid will spend about two months orbiting Earth.
26.9.2024 05:53
Because it is small and made of dull rock it will not be visible to people on earth even if they use binoculars or a home telescope.
30.9.2024 05:33
The BBC gained unprecedented access to the island earlier this month.
30.9.2024 05:34
Diego Garcia, a remote island in the Indian Ocean, is a paradise of lush vegetation and white-sand beaches, surrounded by crystal blue waters.
30.9.2024 05:34
But this is no tourist destination. It is strictly out of bounds to most civilians - the site of a highly secretive UK-US military base shrouded for decades in rumour and mystery.
30.9.2024 05:34
The island, which is administered from London, is at the centre of a long-running territorial dispute between the UK and Mauritius, and negotiations have ramped up in recent weeks.
30.9.2024 05:34
“It’s the enemy,” a private security officer jokes as I return to my room one night on Diego Garcia, my name highlighted in yellow on a list he is holding.
30.9.2024 05:34
For months, the BBC had fought for access to the island - the largest of the Chagos Archipelago.
30.9.2024 05:35
Up until this point, we could only cover the story remotely.
30.9.2024 05:35
Requests for minor changes to the permit were denied by British and US officials.
30.9.2024 05:35
Personnel from the security company G4S were flown to the territory to guard the BBC and lawyers who had flown out for the hearing.
30.9.2024 05:36
But despite the constraints, I was still able to observe illuminating details, all of which helped to paint a picture of one of the most restricted locations in the world.
1.10.2024 06:06
The UK is about to stop producing any electricity from burning coal - ending its 142-year reliance on the fossil fuel.
1.10.2024 06:06
The country's last coal power station, at Ratcliffe-on-Soar, finishes operations on Monday after running since 1967. to stop producing any electricity from burning coal - ending its 142-year reliance on the fossil fuel.
1.10.2024 06:06
This marks a major milestone in the country's ambitions to reduce its contribution to climate change. Coal is the dirtiest fossil fuel producing the most greenhouse gases when burnt.
1.10.2024 06:06
Minister for Energy Michael Shanks said: "We owe generations a debt of gratitude as a country."
1.10.2024 06:07
The UK was the birthplace of coal power, and from tomorrow it becomes the first major economy to give it up.
1.10.2024 06:07
"It's a really remarkable day, because Britain, after all, built her whole strength on coal, that is the industrial revolution," said Lord Deben - the longest serving environment secretary.
1.10.2024 06:07
From that point through the first half of the twentieth century, coal provided pretty much all of the UK’s electricity, powering homes and businesses.
1.10.2024 06:07
In the early 1990s, coal began to be forced out of the electricity mix by gas, but coal still remained a crucial component of the UK grid for the next two decades.
1.10.2024 06:07
In 2012, it still generated 39% of the UK’s power.
1.10.2024 06:08
In 2012, it still generated 39% of the UK’s power.
But it also showed leadership and set a benchmark for other countries to follow, according to Lord Deben.
4.10.2024 06:01
Isobel Taper told the BBC: "My life is out there, so it feels strange being back here."
4.10.2024 06:01
"Everything just feels very surreal," she said.
4.10.2024 06:01
A British woman who was among more than 150 people to be evacuated from Lebanon has described her anguish at leaving her life in the Middle Eastern country behind.
4.10.2024 06:01
Even though she is now staying with her parents in Ealing, west London, Ms Taper said she feels guilty for leaving her boyfriend and cats in Lebanon.
4.10.2024 06:02
The Foreign Office said the flights would continue "as long as the security situation allows", with more departing on Thursday.
4.10.2024 06:02
Ms Taper was studying for a master's degree in Beirut, having moved to Lebanon in July last year.
4.10.2024 06:02
She said she decided to leave when the conflict spread to the part of the city where she was staying.
4.10.2024 06:02
"They hit downtown Beirut and I think now it's got to the point where there's nowhere safe, so I decided to leave. I'm really, really hoping I can go back."
4.10.2024 06:03
Ms Taper added: "My parents have been so worried. I wanted to come back and give them some peace of mind."
4.10.2024 06:03
She said the evacuation felt "rushed" and that she received an email confirming her seat on the evacuation flight around four hours before it took off.
7.10.2024 06:13
An Indian relief package will bolster the country’s foreign currency reserves.
7.10.2024 06:13
"We have our own home-grown agenda," he said.
7.10.2024 06:13
Since Muizzu came to power in November 2023, relations between Male and Delhi have become strained.
7.10.2024 06:14
But the Maldivian president defended his decision.
7.10.2024 06:14
But Muizzu rejects the pro-China tag.
7.10.2024 06:14
I have made clear our foreign policy the day I took office - that it is a ‘Maldives First’ policy.
7.10.2024 06:14
We believe that through open communication and collaboration
7.10.2024 06:14
we can address any concerns, contributing to a peaceful and prosperous Indian Ocean region
7.10.2024 06:15
Despite Muizzu's attempts to move Male closer to Beijing, analysts say financial assistance from China hasn’t been forthcoming,
8.10.2024 05:59
Google says it will appeal against the decision and ask for a pause to the proposed remedies.
8.10.2024 05:59
A US federal judge has ruled that Google must allow Android apps made by rival technology firms onto its Google Play app store for three years starting next month.A US federal judge has ruled that Google must allow Android apps made by rival technology firms onto its Google Play app store for three years starting next month.V
8.10.2024 05:59
The change was among several remedies ordered by Judge James Donato in a case brought against Google by Epic Games, the maker of the hit video game Fortnite.
8.10.2024 05:59
In December, a jury sided with Epic, which says Google stifled competitors by controlling the distribution of apps and payments on Android phones.
8.10.2024 06:00
Some legal experts have hailed the ruling as a meaningful challenge to the dominance of a handful of technology giants.
8.10.2024 06:00
Among other remedies, the ruling called for Google to make its catalogue of apps available to competing app stores.
8.10.2024 06:00
Google had argued that its Play app store operates in a competitive landscape, citing competition with iPhone-maker Apple, which was also sued by Epic Games in 2020.
8.10.2024 06:00
Monday's order is the latest legal blow suffered by Google in recent years on competition grounds.
8.10.2024 06:01
The company's critics say Google's fees of up to 30% on every payment made on its app store has meant higher prices for consumers.
8.10.2024 06:01
"There's going to be a lot more incentive for developers to enter this market, and prices should be lower for consumers," he said.
9.10.2024 05:46
Hurricanes are powerful storms which develop in warm tropical ocean waters.
9.10.2024 05:46
The storm is due to hit the heavily-populated city of Tampa Bay less than two weeks after the state was badly hit by Hurricane Helene.
9.10.2024 05:46
Milton is the ninth hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic season, which continues until the end of November.
9.10.2024 05:46
In other parts of the world, they are known as cyclones or typhoons.
9.10.2024 05:46
Collectively, these storms are referred to as "tropical cyclones".
9.10.2024 05:47
Hurricanes can be categorised by their peak sustained wind speed.
9.10.2024 05:47
Major hurricanes are rated category three and above, meaning they reach at least 111mph (178km/h).
9.10.2024 05:47
If all these factors come together, an intense hurricane can form, although the exact causes of individual storms are complex.
9.10.2024 05:47
The IPCC quotes "medium confidence" that there has been an increase in the average and peak rainfall rates associated with tropical cyclones.
11.10.2024 05:55
Kylie Minogue loves a puzzle.
11.10.2024 05:55
I want it to be more of a challenge.
11.10.2024 05:55
"I like to get down to the pointy end, where everything's at stake."
11.10.2024 05:55
Right now, she's on a high, thanks to her global hit Padam Padam.
11.10.2024 05:55
In the fluctuating market of pop stardom, Kylie's stock has never been higher.
11.10.2024 05:56
"It's so weird, because I never stop working," she says, "but then there's these peaks.
11.10.2024 05:56
"I guess I’m really stretching it out!" Kylie laughs.
11.10.2024 05:56
"Fifty shades of comfortable - that’s my buzz."
11.10.2024 05:56
Does she still get a thrill from pulling the perfect outfit together?
14.10.2024 07:53
He was 54, rarely ill, fit, healthy and running 10km most days – until he got the Pfizer Covid booster.
14.10.2024 07:54
Within days he developed numbness in the right side of his face and started experiencing pain.
14.10.2024 07:54
"I had lost all the feeling in my face, teeth, nose, tongue, eye, that whole side of my head," he said.
14.10.2024 07:54
These symptoms have spread through his body and intensified over the years, with doctors across the UK saying the vaccine is to blame.
14.10.2024 07:54
Mr Lowe said that while he was not opposed to vaccines, his life had been destroyed.
14.10.2024 07:54
He broke down and cried.
14.10.2024 07:55
"I feel as if there is a clamp on both sides of my head, squeezing it all the time," he said.
14.10.2024 07:55
"I've been told that my condition is progressive. It is going to get worse.
14.10.2024 07:55
"I'm in so much pain, my life is barely worth living, except for my family," he said.
15.10.2024 06:11
Google has signed a deal to use small nuclear reactors to generate the vast amounts of energy needed to power its artificial intelligence (AI) data centres.
15.10.2024 06:11
The company says the agreement with Kairos Power will see it start using the first reactor this decade and bring more online by 2035.
15.10.2024 06:11
Technology firms are increasingly turning to nuclear sources of energy to supply the electricity used by huge data centres that drive AI.
15.10.2024 06:11
The companies did not give any details about how much the deal is worth or where the plants will be built.
15.10.2024 06:11
The grid needs new electricity sources to support AI technologies, said Michael Terrell, senior director for energy and climate at Google.
15.10.2024 06:12
"This agreement helps accelerate a new technology to meet energy needs cleanly and reliably, and unlock the full potential of AI for everyone."
15.10.2024 06:12
Last month, Microsoft reached a deal to restart operations at the Three Mile Island energy plant, the site of America's worst nuclear accident in 1979.
15.10.2024 06:12
In March, Amazon said it would buy a nuclear-powered data centre in the state of Pennsylvania.
15.10.2024 06:12
Nuclear power, which is virtually carbon free and provides electricity 24 hours a day, has become increasingly attractive to the tech industry as it attempts to cut emissions while becoming more energy intensive.
16.10.2024 07:34
Albanese made the purchase months out from an election in which the cost of living and housing are key issues.
16.10.2024 07:34
The move has sparked backlash from across the political divide - with his opponents calling it "tone deaf" and some within his own party anonymously telling local media it left them "gobsmacked".
16.10.2024 07:34
Albanese defended his decision, saying he "knows what it is like to struggle" but bought the luxury property to be close to his fiancee Jodie Haydon's family on the New South Wales Central Coast.
16.10.2024 07:35
Property records show the four-bedroom, three-bathroom, and three-carport property in Copacabana - which has panoramic views - was sold for A$4.3m ($2.9m, £2.2m) last month, but the purchase is yet to settle.
16.10.2024 07:35
At a press conference about housing on the day news of his new home broke, Albanese said he was aware that he was "better off" than many Australians due to his income but that he could still empathise with their struggle.
16.10.2024 07:35
"My mum lived in the one public housing [home] that she was born in for all of her 65 years," he told reporters.
16.10.2024 07:35
“I know what it is like, which is why I want to help all Australians into a home.”“I know what it is like, which is why I want to help all Australians into a home.”
16.10.2024 07:35
Albanese's Labor party has created a A$10b investment fund for social and affordable housing.
16.10.2024 07:36
It has struggled to get other housing initiatives through parliament though, due in part to a lack of support from the Australian Greens party and some independents, who want the government to produce more ambitious policy proposals.
17.10.2024 07:44
He fell from the third floor of a hotel in Buenos Aires, police say
17.10.2024 07:44
Tributes are continuing to arrive.
17.10.2024 07:45
The official X account of the Brit Awards says: "We're incredibly sad to learn of the tragic passing of Liam Payne. Our thoughts and prayers are with his friends and family at this time."
17.10.2024 07:45
Media personality and fellow former X Factor contestant Rylan Clark says Liam Payne's death is "tragic".
17.10.2024 07:45
In a post on X, he writes: "Extremely sad news. V tragic and so young. RIP Liam x"
17.10.2024 07:45
Millions of fans still have a special place in their hearts for One Direction, and they’ll be in total shock tonight after the reports of Liam’s death.
17.10.2024 07:46
The group were one of the biggest pop groups in music history, and were a huge part of the lives of an entire generation.
17.10.2024 07:46
They sold 70 million records and sold out stadiums around the world, and Liam was one of the group’s lynchpins.
17.10.2024 07:46
The boys may have gone their separate ways in 2016, but there were periodic suggestions of a reunion, which no doubt would have sparked the fandom back into a frenzy if it had happened. Sadly, that will now never be the case.
18.10.2024 05:58
King Charles III and Queen Camilla are due to arrive in Australia on Friday on a historic royal tour.
18.10.2024 05:58
Eight months ago, I didn’t think I’d be writing those words.
18.10.2024 05:58
In February, Buckingham Palace announced the King had cancer and all his “public-facing duties” stopped - on doctors’ orders.
18.10.2024 05:59
And by late Spring, there were signs the visit might still go ahead.
18.10.2024 05:59
Would the King be well enough to cope with the rigours of the tour? The answer was yes - with some important changes.
18.10.2024 05:59
Removing New Zealand and keeping this trip short means he can return to his regular routine of treatment as early as possible.
18.10.2024 06:01
Buckingham Palace says a lot of thought has gone into “balancing the programme” and it has been planned to “preserve the King’s energies”.
18.10.2024 06:01
The King’s reign has been compromised by his cancer diagnosis, but this trip gives a real sense of him being back in business.
18.10.2024 06:02
“How’s the King doing?” is a question I have been asked repeatedly this year - and it’s been tricky to answer at times.
18.10.2024 06:02
Getting here hasn’t been easy. But there is confidence from royal aides that this visit will give a strong sense of normal service resuming.
21.10.2024 05:56
A dramatic and unprecedented surge in hoax bomb threats targeting Indian airlines is wreaking havoc on flight schedules, diverting planes and causing widespread disruptions.
21.10.2024 05:57
A video posted on social media last week showed passengers draped in woollens, walking down the icy ladder of an Air India plane into the frigid air of Iqaluit, a remote city in Canada.
21.10.2024 05:57
The 211 passengers on the Boeing 777, originally en route from Mumbai to Chicago, had been diverted early on 15 October due to a bomb threat.
21.10.2024 05:57
These hoaxes end up wreaking havoc in one of the world’s fastest-growing aviation markets.
21.10.2024 05:58
More than 150 million passengers flew domestically in India last year, according to the civil aviation ministry.
21.10.2024 05:58
More than 3,000 flights arrive and depart every day in the country from more than 150 operational airports, including 33 international airports.
21.10.2024 05:58
India has just under 700 commercial passenger planes in service, and an order backlog of more than 1,700 planes, according to Rob Morris of Cirium, a consultancy.
21.10.2024 05:58
All this would certainly render India the fastest growing commercial aircraft market today,” says Mr Morris.
21.10.2024 05:59
All of this has significant cost and network implications.
21.10.2024 05:59
Every diverted or delayed flight incurs substantial expenses, as grounded aircraft become money-losing assets. Delays lead to cancellations, and schedules are thrown off balance.” says Sidharath Kapur, an independent aviation expert.
22.10.2024 06:04
Lidia Thorpe is no stranger to controversy and it’s not the first time she’s voiced her views on the British monarchy.
22.10.2024 06:04
The Gunnai, Gunditjmara and Djab Wurrung woman has been a senator for Victoria since 2020, the first Aboriginal senator from that state.
22.10.2024 06:05
Prior to that, she had a history of Indigenous activism - she also worked as the chairperson of Naidoc (National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee) for the state of Victoria, an organisation that works to recognise and teach Australians about First Nations cultures and their histories.
22.10.2024 06:05
In 2022, while being sworn in to parliament after a re-election, she called the late Queen a coloniser.
22.10.2024 06:05
After criticism from other senators, she then repeated the oath as printed.
22.10.2024 06:05
So Monday’s incident wouldn’t have come as much surprise to anyone who follows Australian politics.
22.10.2024 06:05
Lidia Thorpe has made her views clear - that British settlement saw huge numbers of Indigenous people massacred and the scars of colonisation are still very apparent for many First Nations people in Australia.
22.10.2024 06:06
Whether or not you agree with Lidia Thorpe’s approach – and some prominent Indigenous leaders have made it clear that they don’t - the fact is that there are deep disparities between First Nations people and non-Indigenous Australians when it comes to indicators such as education, health, and life expectancy.
22.10.2024 06:06
“How can he stand up there and say he’s the King of our country - he’s stolen so much wealth from our people and from our land and he needs to give that back. And he needs to entertain a conversation for a peace treaty in this country,” she said.
22.10.2024 06:06
“We can lead that, we can do that - we can be a better country but we cannot bow to the coloniser whose ancestors he spoke about in there are responsible for mass murder, for mass genocide.”
22.10.2024 06:06
You are not my King': Moment King Charles is heckled by Australian politician
23.10.2024 06:21
Police have raided a pizzeria in western Germany which they alleged served customers a side of cocaine when they ordered item number 40 on the menu.
23.10.2024 06:22
Authorities were tipped off about the scheme in March by food inspectors, and drug squad officers began watching the restaurant, criminal director Michael Graf von Moltke said on Monday.
23.10.2024 06:22
When police went to detain the pizzeria manager at his apartment, the 36-year-old reportedly threw a bag of drugs out of the window, which "fell right into the arms of the police officers", Düsseldorf police said.
23.10.2024 06:22
The restaurant manager was released by police a few days later, and he reopened his restaurant and continued to sell the drug and pizza combination.
23.10.2024 06:23
Around 150 officers raided two cannabis plantations - one in Mönchengladbach, to the west of Düsseldorf where 300 plants were found, and another in Solingen, to the east of the city, where 60 plants were found.
23.10.2024 06:23
The homes and businesses of 12 suspects were also raided, resulting in the arrests of three people, including a 22-year-old suspected of being the head of the drug operation.
23.10.2024 06:23
Police also found weapons, money and expensive watches during the raids.
23.10.2024 06:23
The pizzeria manager was rearrested while trying to leave the country and remains in custody.
23.10.2024 06:23
"The number 40 was one of the best-selling pizzas," Mr Moltke said.
24.10.2024 05:52
US actor Ron Ely, best known for playing the role of Tarzan in the 1960s television show of the same name, has died aged 86.
24.10.2024 05:52
"The world has lost one of the greatest men it has ever known - and I have lost my dad." the actor's daughter, Kirsten Casale Ely, said in an Instagram post.
24.10.2024 05:52
Tarzan originally aired on NBC television network from 1966 to 1968, during which time the actor broke a number of bones and was reported to have been attacked by animals while performing his own stunts.
24.10.2024 05:52
After retiring from acting in 2001, Ely became an author and published two mystery novels.
24.10.2024 05:53
Ely made a brief return to acting for one television film, Expecting Amish, in 2014, where he played an Amish elder.
24.10.2024 05:53
In the 1980s, he appeared in other hit television programmes including cruise ship-based comedy The Love Boat, as well as Wonder Woman with star Lynda Carter.
24.10.2024 05:53
Born in Texas in 1938, Ely went on to marry his high school sweetheart in 1959, before divorcing two years later.
24.10.2024 05:53
He was also known for hosting the Miss America pageant in the early 1980s, where he met his wife Valerie. The couple went on to have three children.
24.10.2024 05:53
Ely died at his home in Los Alamos in Santa Barbara, California on 29 September.
24.10.2024 05:54
Announcing the death in an Instagram post on Wednesday, the actor's daughter said: "My father was someone that people called a hero. He was an actor, writer, coach, mentor, family man and leader."
24.10.2024 05:54
She added: "I knew him as my dad - and what a heaven sent honour that has been. To me, he hung the moon."
25.10.2024 05:54
A rare typescript of children's story The Little Prince, one of the most translated books ever published, is set to go on sale for $1.25m (£963,313).
25.10.2024 05:54
The typescript, which is a typed copy of a text, was produced in New York by its author, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, while in exile from Nazi-occupied France in the 1940s and is one of three known to be in existence.
25.10.2024 05:54
The copy contains handwritten notes and sketches by Saint-Exupéry. It will go on sale at the Abu Dhabi Art Festival in the United Arab Emirates in November.
25.10.2024 05:54
Having the "typed manuscript...is an extremely rare event", said Sammy Jay, senior literature specialist from the typescript's seller Peter Harrington Rare Books.
25.10.2024 05:54
Saint-Exupéry wrote Le Petit Prince, in the original French, for children while living in exile in New York during World War Two. It was published in 1943.
25.10.2024 05:55
He was an experienced aviator, and after writing the book, returned to Europe on a reconnaissance mission for the Free French air force fighting Nazi Germany.
25.10.2024 05:55
He disappeared on his last mission, and no one knows how or where his plane went down.
25.10.2024 05:55
The famous work of fiction is about a pilot stranded in a desert who meets a small boy called the Little Prince who is visiting Earth.
25.10.2024 05:55
Since its publication, The Little Prince has gone on to sell millions of books around the world.
25.10.2024 05:56
Saint-Exupéry's original handwritten manuscript is in New York.
25.10.2024 05:56
Two other typescripts are known to be in existence, one in France's national library and another in the Harry Ransom Center in Texas.
28.10.2024 04:12
The coalition led by Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has lost its majority in parliament, its worst result for over a decade.
28.10.2024 04:13
Opposition parties secured more than half the seats in the lower house, provisional election results showed.
28.10.2024 04:13
With 22 seats left to declare, the LDP and its coalition partner, the much smaller Komeito, had gained 208 seats to the opposition's 235.
28.10.2024 04:13
A party needs a majority of 233 seats in the lower house of Parliament, the Diet, to govern alone.
28.10.2024 04:13
The result of the general election has triggered uncertainty about how the world's fourth-largest economy will be governed.
28.10.2024 04:15
The election was called by the LDP’s new leader Shigeru Ishiba three days after he was selected as new leader, before he had been officially sworn in as prime minister.
28.10.2024 04:15
"Voters have handed us a harsh verdict and we have to humbly accept this result," he told NHK.
28.10.2024 04:15
It comes after a tumultuous few years for the LDP which saw a “cascade” of scandals, widespread voter apathy and record-low approval ratings.
28.10.2024 04:15
The party had seen approval ratings of below 20% earlier in the year, in the wake of a political fundraising corruption scandal.
28.10.2024 04:15
Yet opposition parties have failed to unite, or convince voters they are a viable option to govern.
29.10.2024 04:38
Israel's parliament has voted to pass legislation banning the UN's Palestinian refugee agency (Unrwa) from operating within Israel and Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem, within three months.
29.10.2024 04:38
Contact between Unrwa employees and Israeli officials will also be banned, severely limiting the agency's ability to operate in Gaza and the Israeli-occupied West Bank.
29.10.2024 04:39
Edited by Dulcie Lee in Washington DC
29.10.2024 04:39
It is the main UN organisation working on the ground there.
29.10.2024 04:39
Unrwa staff will no longer have legal immunity within Israel, and the agency's headquarters in East Jerusalem will be closed.
29.10.2024 04:39
A number of countries, including the US, the UK and Germany, have expressed serious concern about the move.
29.10.2024 04:39
UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy called it "totally wrong", while Unrwa's chief Philippe Lazzarini said it "will only deepen the suffering of Palestinians".
29.10.2024 04:40
The US State Department said Unrwa played a "critical" role in distributing humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip.
29.10.2024 04:40
Almost all of the enclave's population of more than two million people are dependent on aid and services from the agency.
29.10.2024 04:40
contact between Unrwa employees and Israeli officials will also be banned, severely limiting the agency's ability to operate in Gaza and the Israeli-occupied West Bank.
29.10.2024 04:40
Presenting the legislation, Yuli Edelstein, the chairman of the Knesset's foreign affairs and security committee, accused Unrwa of being used as a "cover for terrorist actions".
30.10.2024 04:57
The area of land surface affected by drought has trebled since the 1980s, a new report into the effects of climate change has revealed.
30.10.2024 04:57
Almost a third of the world - 30% - experienced extreme drought for three months or longer in 2023. In the 1980s, the average was 5%.
30.10.2024 04:57
The new study offers some of the most up-to-date global data on drought, marking just how fast it is accelerating.
30.10.2024 04:58
The threshold for extreme drought is reached after six months of very low rainfall or very high levels of evaporation from plants and soil - or both.
30.10.2024 04:58
It poses an immediate risk to water and sanitation, food security and public health, and can affect energy supplies, transportation networks and the economy.
30.10.2024 04:58
The causes of individual droughts are complicated, because there are lots of different factors that affect the availability of water, from natural weather events to the way humans use land.
30.10.2024 04:58
But climate change is shifting global rainfall patterns, making some regions more prone to drought.
30.10.2024 04:59
The increase in drought has been particularly severe in South America, the Middle East and the Horn of Africa.
30.10.2024 04:59
In South America's Amazon, drought is threatening to change weather patterns.
30.10.2024 04:59
It kills trees that have a role to play in stimulating rainclouds to form, which disrupts delicately balanced rainfall cycles - creating a feedback loop leading to further drought.
30.10.2024 04:59
Yet, at the same time as large sections of the land mass have been drying out, extreme rainfall has also increased.
1.11.2024 05:33
The area of land surface affected by drought has trebled since the 1980s, a new report into the effects of climate change has revealed.
1.11.2024 05:34
Almost a third of the world - 30% - experienced extreme drought for three months or longer in 2023. In the 1980s, the average was 5%.
1.11.2024 05:34
The new study offers some of the most up-to-date global data on drought, marking just how fast it is accelerating.
1.11.2024 05:34
The threshold for extreme drought is reached after six months of very low rainfall or very high levels of evaporation from plants and soil - or both.
1.11.2024 05:34
It poses an immediate risk to water and sanitation, food security and public health, and can affect energy supplies, transportation networks and the economy.
1.11.2024 05:35
The causes of individual droughts are complicated, because there are lots of different factors that affect the availability of water, from natural weather events to the way humans use land.
1.11.2024 05:35
But climate change is shifting global rainfall patterns, making some regions more prone to drought.
1.11.2024 05:35
The increase in drought has been particularly severe in South America, the Middle East and the Horn of Africa.
1.11.2024 05:35
In South America's Amazon, drought is threatening to change weather patterns.
1.11.2024 05:35
It kills trees that have a role to play in stimulating rainclouds to form, which disrupts delicately balanced rainfall cycles - creating a feedback loop leading to further drought.
1.11.2024 05:36
Yet, at the same time as large sections of the land mass have been drying out, extreme rainfall has also increased.
4.11.2024 04:27
The King and Queen of Spain have been pelted with mud and other objects by angry protesters during a visit to flood-hit Valencia.
4.11.2024 04:27
Shouts of "murderer" and "shame" were directed at the royal couple, Spain's prime minister and other leaders as they walked through the town of Paiporta - one of the worst-affected in the region.
4.11.2024 04:27
With mud on their faces and clothes, King Felipe and Queen Letizia were later seen consoling members of the crowd.
4.11.2024 04:27
More than 200 people were killed in the floods, the worst in Spain for decades.
4.11.2024 04:28
Emergency workers are continuing to comb through underground car parks and tunnels in the hope of finding survivors and recovering bodies.
4.11.2024 04:28
There has been anger at a perceived lack of warning and insufficient support from authorities after the floods.
4.11.2024 04:28
Footage showed the king making his way down a pedestrian street, before his bodyguards and police were suddenly overwhelmed by a surge of protesters, hurling insults and screaming.
4.11.2024 04:28
They struggled to maintain a protective ring around the monarch, as some of the protesters threw mud and objects.
4.11.2024 04:28
The king engaged with several, even embracing them.
4.11.2024 04:29
Images showed mud on the faces and clothes of the king, queen and their entourage, who held umbrellas over the monarch as they departed.
4.11.2024 04:29
After he left, the crowd chanted: "Where is Sánchez?"
5.11.2024 05:06
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has criticised the "cowardly attempts to intimidate our diplomats" in a deepening diplomatic row with Canada.
5.11.2024 05:06
Modi's comments came after violence broke out at a Hindu temple in the Canadian city of Brampton on Sunday, which he has called a "deliberate attack".
5.11.2024 05:06
"Such acts of violence will never weaken India’s resolve. We expect the Canadian government to ensure justice and uphold the rule of law," he wrote on X.
5.11.2024 05:07
Local police said three people have so far been arrested and charged over the incident in Brampton, near Toronto, but did not provide further details.
5.11.2024 05:07
The force said "several acts of unlawfulness continue to be actively investigated" by its officers.
5.11.2024 05:07
The North America-based activist group Sikhs for Justice, meanwhile, described the incident as an "unprovoked violent attack on peaceful pro-Khalistan demonstrators".
5.11.2024 05:07
India has vehemently denied this and other allegations and maintained that Canada has provided no evidence to support its claims.
5.11.2024 05:08
Mr Nijjar had been a vocal supporter of the Khalistan movement and publicly campaigned for it.
5.11.2024 05:08
The rift between Canada and India has raised questions over the impact it could have on the deep trade and immigration ties between both countries.
5.11.2024 05:08
Neither country has yet imposed tariffs or other economic forms of retaliation, but experts caution that this could change, and that a cooling relationship between India and Canada could hinder further economic growth.
6.11.2024 04:44
A series of parcel fires targeting courier companies in Poland, Germany and the UK were dry runs aimed at sabotaging flights to the US and Canada, Polish prosecutors say.
6.11.2024 04:44
Katarzyna Calow-Jaszewska revealed late last month that four people had been arrested and authorities across Europe were investigating the incidents.
6.11.2024 04:44
Western security officials have now told US media they believe the fires - which happened in July - were part of an orchestrated campaign by Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU.
6.11.2024 04:44
Russia denies being behind acts of sabotage. But it is suspected to have been behind other attacks on warehouses and railway networks in EU member states this year, including in Sweden and in the Czech Republic.
6.11.2024 04:45
Ms Calow-Jaszewska said in a statement that a group of foreign intelligence saboteurs had been involved in sending parcels containing hidden explosives and dangerous materials via courier companies.
6.11.2024 04:45
The parcels then spontaneously burst into flames or blew up.
6.11.2024 04:45
Western officials believe the fires originated in electric massage machines containing a "magnesium-based" substance.
6.11.2024 04:45
Magnesium-based fires are hard to put out, especially on board a plane.
6.11.2024 04:45
“The group’s goal was also to test the transfer channel for such parcels, which were ultimately to be sent to the United States of America and Canada,” Ms Calow-Jaszewska said.
6.11.2024 04:46
Some of the devices originated in Lithuania, and prosecutor general Nida Grunskiene said there had been arrests there too.
6.11.2024 04:46
A pre-trial investigation was under way and law enforcement agencies from other countries were taking part, she told reporters.
7.11.2024 05:11
Australia's government says it will introduce world-first legislation to ban children under 16 from social media.
7.11.2024 05:11
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the proposed laws, to be tabled in parliament next week, were aimed at mitigating the "harm" social media was inflicting on Australian children.
7.11.2024 05:11
"This one is for the mums and dads... They, like me, are worried sick about the safety of our kids online.
7.11.2024 05:11
I want Australian families to know that the government has your back," he said.
7.11.2024 05:12
While many of the details are yet to be debated, the government said the ban will not apply to young people already on social media.
7.11.2024 05:12
There will be no exemptions on the age limit for children who have consent from their parents.
7.11.2024 05:13
The legislation would come into force 12 months after it passes and be subject to a review after it's in place.
7.11.2024 05:13
While most experts agree that social media platforms can harm the mental health of adolescents, many are split over the efficacy of trying to outlaw them all together.
7.11.2024 05:13
Some experts argue that bans only delay young people's exposure to apps such as TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, instead of teaching them how to navigate complex online spaces.
8.11.2024 04:58
South Africa's radical opposition party, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), appears to be on a downward spiral after another high-profile member defected to ex-President Jacob Zuma's party.
8.11.2024 04:58
Dali Mpofu, an advocate and former EFF chairperson, told local media that after much "soul-searching" he had decided to join uMhkonto weSizwe (MK), or Spear of the Nation.
8.11.2024 04:58
"I believe it [MK] is the vehicle which will achieve the much needed black and progressive unity," he said.
8.11.2024 04:58
Led by the firebrand Julius Malema, the EFF had strong support among South Africa's burgeoning young population frustrated with the slow pace of political and economic reforms since the end of the racist system of apartheid in 1994.
8.11.2024 04:59
But the EFF suffered a major setback in the May general election when, instead of achieving its goal of rising from the country's third biggest party to second, it dropped to fourth.
8.11.2024 04:59
It lost support to MK, in the first election the party contested after its formation last year.
8.11.2024 04:59
Zuma spearheaded the party's campaign, making a dramatic comeback after he was imprisoned in 2021 for contempt of court over his refusal to co-operate with a judge-led inquiry into corruption during his presidency.
8.11.2024 04:59
The two parties share similar economic policies - including the expropriation of white-owned land and the state ownership of mines and banks.
8.11.2024 05:00
South African political analyst Sandile Swana told the BBC that Mpofu's move was driven by "political ambition".
8.11.2024 05:00
"As it stands today, MK is substantially bigger than the EFF. If someone wants power, they have a quicker route with MK," he said.
8.11.2024 05:00
Mpofu's defection follows that of Malema's deputy, Floyd Shivambu, and two lawmakers, Mzwanele Manyi and Busisiwe Mkhwebane.
11.11.2024 04:48
Rita Ora has paid an emotional tribute to Liam Payne as she hosted this year's MTV Europe Music Awards (EMAs) in Manchester, almost a month after the One Direction star's death.
11.11.2024 04:48
Ora collaborated with Payne on their 2018 hit single For You, and her voice cracked as she remembered him, calling him "one of the kindest people that I knew".
11.11.2024 04:49
She delivered the tribute dressed in a dark suit in a poignant moment that was in contrast to the upbeat tone of the rest of the ceremony.
11.11.2024 04:49
The night also saw Taylor Swift continue her world domination by making history as the first person to win best artist three times in the 30-year history of the EMAs.
11.11.2024 04:49
The other winners included Raye, Sabrina Carpenter, Tyla and Benson Boone.
11.11.2024 04:49
Sunday's ceremony was the first time the event has been held in the UK since 2017, and the third time Ora has acted as host.
11.11.2024 04:49
Towards the end of the show, she switched from her high-energy persona to speak about Payne.
11.11.2024 04:50
"I just want to take a moment to remember someone that was very, very dear to us," she told the audience.
11.11.2024 04:50
"We lost him recently, and he was a big part of the MTV world and my world, and I think a lot of yours at home and everybody in here tonight."
11.11.2024 04:50
"He had the biggest heart, and was always the first person to offer help in any way that he could.
11.11.2024 04:50
She then introduced a short video featuring photos of Payne and a snippet of One Direction song Night Changes.
12.11.2024 06:24
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has condemned Israel’s actions in Gaza as “genocide” in some of the harshest public criticism of the country by a Saudi official since the start of the war.
12.11.2024 06:25
Speaking at a summit of Muslim and Arab leaders the prince also criticised Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Iran.
12.11.2024 06:25
In a sign of improving ties between rivals Riyadh and Tehran, he warned Israel against launching attacks on Iranian soil.
12.11.2024 06:26
Saudi's de facto leader was joined by other leaders present in calling for a total Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza.
12.11.2024 06:26
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia's foreign minister said it was a “failing of the international community” that the war in Gaza had not been stopped, accusing Israel of causing starvation in the territory.
12.11.2024 06:26
Prince Faisal Bin Farhan Al-Saud said: "Where the international community primarily has failed is ending the immediate conflict and putting an end to Israel’s aggression.”
12.11.2024 06:27
The war in Gaza was triggered by Hamas's 7 October 2023 attack, which saw hundreds of gunmen enter southern Israel. About 1,200 people were killed and 251 others taken hostage.
12.11.2024 06:27
Israel retaliated by launching a military campaign to destroy Hamas, during which more than 43,400 people have been killed in Gaza, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.
12.11.2024 06:27
Leaders at the summit also condemned what they described as Israel's “continuous attacks” against UN staff and facilities in Gaza.
12.11.2024 06:27
In the backdrop of the well-attended summit, is Donald Trump’s return to the White House.
13.11.2024 04:40
On Monday morning, the party was at 214 seats, just short of the 218 needed to take control of the lower chamber of Congress, according to projections by Reuters.
13.11.2024 04:40
The Senate, or upper chamber, and the White House have already flipped to Republicans - meaning the new president-elect could have significant power after he is sworn in on 20 January 2025.
13.11.2024 04:40
Control of the House will give Republicans the ability to initiate spending legislation and launch impeachment proceedings against officials.
13.11.2024 04:40
Under Trump, a unified Republican Party could more easily push through tax cuts and introduce border control measures.
13.11.2024 04:41
Here are some of the races that have yet to be called.
13.11.2024 04:41
California's 45th congressional district: Republican Congresswoman Michelle Steel, the incumbent, has been leading against Democrat Derek Tran
13.11.2024 04:41
There are two closely-watched races in this swing state.
13.11.2024 04:41
Republican Juan Ciscomani, the Republican, appears to be neck and neck with his Democratic challenger, Kirsten Engel, in Arizona's 6th district, located in the south-east corner of the state.
13.11.2024 04:41
In Arizona's 1st district, David Schweikert has a slight lead over Democratic challenger Amish Shah. This district covers north-eastern Maricopa County, outside Phoenix.
14.11.2024 05:19
Thousands of police are being deployed in Paris to ensure security at Thursday’s France-Israel football international, a week after violence in Amsterdam in which Maccabi Tel Aviv fans came under attack.
14.11.2024 05:19
Paris police chief Laurent Nuñez said that 4,000 officers would be on patrol, 2,500 at the Stade de France in the northern Paris suburbs and the rest on public transport and inside the capital.
14.11.2024 05:19
In addition around 1,600 private security guards will be on duty at the stadium, and an elite anti-terrorist police unit will protect the visiting Israeli squad.
14.11.2024 05:19
“It is a high-risk match [because of] an extremely tense geopolitical context,” Mr Nuñez said.
14.11.2024 05:19
“We will not allow any attempt to disturb public order.”
14.11.2024 05:20
The Uefa Nations League match is under intense scrutiny following the violence after last Thursday’s match between Ajax and Maccabi Tel Aviv in the Netherlands.
14.11.2024 05:20
The stadium, which can hold 80,000, will be only a quarter full. Following advice by the Israeli government, no more than 100 or so Israeli fans are expected to travel to Paris, though other Israel supporters may go to the game.
14.11.2024 05:20
Politicians across Europe decried a “return of antisemitism” after Israeli fans were chased through the streets of Amsterdam.
14.11.2024 05:20
Maccabi fans were themselves involved in vandalism, tearing down a Palestinian flag, attacking a taxi and chanting anti-Arab slogans, according to city authorities. They were then targeted by “small groups of rioters… on foot, by scooter or car”, the city said in a 12-page report.
14.11.2024 05:20
Violence between Israel and its neighbours in the Middle East has the potential to spread to Europe.
15.11.2024 04:56
A Chinese influencer, with a huge global following and the approval of the Communist Party, has returned to the internet after a three-year hiatus.
15.11.2024 04:57
Famous for idyllic videos of life with her grandmother in a village in Sichuan province, the 34-year-old has released three videos since Tuesday - and they have millions of views already.
15.11.2024 04:57
Li first rose to fame in 2016 when China's fast-growing social media users found comfort in her slow-paced videos about cooking and traditional handicraft.
15.11.2024 04:57
Her return, welcomed by fans around the world, comes amid a government crackdown on influencers whose content they deem "inappropriate".
15.11.2024 04:57
Li's hiatus followed a dispute with the agency that managed her accounts. In late 2021, she filed a lawsuit against the company over rights to her brand and stopped uploading new videos.
15.11.2024 04:57
They settled in 2022, but Li didn't return to the internet until Tuesday.
15.11.2024 04:58
But Li is among those who has survived official censure. Her huge following on YouTube and TikTok, which are banned in China, has led to questions about whether her videos are akin to soft propoganda.
15.11.2024 04:58
She certainly appears to have the approval of the Party. State-run Xinhua news agency released an interview with her the day after her return. It's rare for state media to interview influencers.
15.11.2024 04:58
Her videos also offer a distraction from the realities of rural China, which is poorer and older than the country's bustling cities.
15.11.2024 04:58
"I missed you very much," she told her fans in a post.
18.11.2024 04:51
A bullet failed to silence her, now Malala Yousafzai is lending her voice to the women of Afghanistan.
18.11.2024 04:51
In just a few years since the Taliban retook control of the country, women's rights have been eroded to the point where even singing is banned.
18.11.2024 04:51
Malala has a personal history with the Taliban across the border in Pakistan, after a gunman from the hardline Islamist group shot her as she sat on a school bus.
18.11.2024 04:51
The speed of change in Afghanistan, if not the brutality, has surprised Malala, who since that near-fatal shooting in 2012 has campaigned for equality.
18.11.2024 04:52
"I never imagined that the rights of women would be compromised so easily," Malala tells BBC Asian Network.
18.11.2024 04:52
"A lot of girls are finding themselves in a very hopeless, depressing situation where they do not see any way out," the 27-year-old Nobel Prize Winner says.
18.11.2024 04:52
"The future looks very dark to them."
18.11.2024 04:52
In 2021, the Taliban regained power in Afghanistan, 20 years after a US-led invasion toppled their regime in the fallout of the 9/11 attacks in New York.
18.11.2024 04:53
In the three-and-a-half years since Western forces left the country, "morality laws" have meant women in Afghanistan have lost dozens of rights.
18.11.2024 04:53
A dress code means they must be fully covered and strict rules have banned them from travelling without a male chaperone or looking a man in the eye unless they're related by blood or marriage.
19.11.2024 04:56
Sir Keir Starmer has met President Xi Jinping at the G20 summit, and emphasised the importance of a "strong UK-China relationship" for both countries.
19.11.2024 04:56
The meeting was the first time a UK prime minister has met the Chinese president in person since 2018, following a recent souring in relations.
19.11.2024 04:56
The PM also signalled a desire for greater business co-operation, particularly on "areas of mutual cooperation" such as international stability, climate change and economic growth.
19.11.2024 04:57
Sir Keir met President Xi on the fringes of the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and, speaking at the start of the meeting, said: "We want our relations to be consistent, durable, respectful, as we have agreed, avoid surprises where possible."
19.11.2024 04:57
He added: "The UK will be a predictable, consistent, sovereign actor committed to the rule of law."
19.11.2024 04:57
Speaking through a translator, Xi told Sir Keir that the two countries should commit to mutual respect and openness, saying: "China and the UK have broad space for co-operation across various domains, including trade, investment, clean energy, financial services, healthcare and improving our peoples' well-being."
19.11.2024 04:57
A read-out of the closed door meeting said the PM set out the leaders' shared responsibility to work together in pursuit of global stability, economic co-operation and trade, and efforts to move away from fossil fuels to renewables.
19.11.2024 04:57
Climate change was a focus for the PM, and a Downing Street spokesperson said the PM wants China's support on global efforts, particularly in light of President-elect Trump's expected roll back of green policies.
19.11.2024 04:58
However, Sir Keir also stressed his government's approach would "always be rooted in the national interests of the UK, but that we would be a predictable and pragmatic partner" to China.
19.11.2024 04:58
With China's military support for Russia's war in Ukraine having prompted criticism from the UK and other Western countries, the PM also said he wanted to "engage honestly and frankly" on areas of disagreement, including on Hong Kong, human rights and Russia’s war in Ukraine.
20.11.2024 05:14
Ukraine's President Zelensky urged Europe to "push Russia harder" in a speech marking 1,000 days since Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of the country.
20.11.2024 05:14
"The more time he [Putin] has, the worse the conditions become," he told a special session of the European Parliament on Tuesday.
20.11.2024 05:14
Zelensky spoke amid speculation that Ukraine had for the first time used the US-supplied Atacams long range missile system to hit a target deep inside Russia, a day after Washington signalled its permission.
20.11.2024 05:15
An ammunition warehouse was struck with the missiles in the Russian region of Bryansk, about 100 kilometres from the border, an unconfirmed report on the RBC Ukraine news website said.
20.11.2024 05:15
But Kyiv often uses domestic drones to hit targets inside Russia, and there was no immediate evidence that US missiles were used.
20.11.2024 05:15
On Monday, US officials said that President Biden had removed US sanctions on the use of the Atacms system outside of Ukraine's borders.
20.11.2024 05:16
It is thought that Ukraine was given permission to use the missiles only to defend its forces inside Russia’s Kursk region, where Kyiv launched a surprise incursion in August and where an assault from Russian and North Korean troops was expected within days.
20.11.2024 05:16
"While some European leaders think about some elections, or something like this, at Ukraine's expense, Putin is focused on winning this war," he warned.
20.11.2024 05:16
"In the frozen trenches of Donetsk region and in the burning steppes of Kherson region under shells, hail, and anti-aircraft guns - we are fighting for the right to life."
20.11.2024 05:16
He added: "Every dark night, even if there are a thousand of them, always ends with dawn."
21.11.2024 05:39
The documents indicate the British-made camera lenses were shipped by a company registered in Kyrgyzstan, apparently run by a swimwear model.
21.11.2024 05:39
We found her number through her social media posts and put our allegations to her.
21.11.2024 05:40
Our investigation raises questions about the effectiveness of sanctions imposed on Russia since the war in Ukraine began.
21.11.2024 05:40
The trail led us to Valeria Baigascina, a 25-year-old, originally from the central Asian state of Kazakhstan but now living in Belarus.
21.11.2024 05:40
A part-time model, she posts regularly about her jet-set lifestyle on social media. In the past two years she has visited Dubai, Sri Lanka and Malaysia.
21.11.2024 05:40
Her social media gave no indication she was also the director of a firm which had channelled millions of dollars’ worth of equipment to sanctioned companies in Russia, as our search of customs documents revealed.
21.11.2024 05:40
According to Belarusian registration details, Ms Baigascina was the founder and director of a company called Rama Group LLC.
21.11.2024 05:41
Set up in February 2023, it is registered to an address in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan - 2,300 miles (3,713 km) from her home in Belarus.
21.11.2024 05:41
Both countries are former Soviet states with strong trading links to Russia. Belarus remains Moscow’s strongest ally in Europe.
21.11.2024 05:41
Trade data shows that since sanctions on Russia were introduced in February 2022, UK exports to Kyrgyzstan have increased by more than 300%.
21.11.2024 05:41
Experts suspect some goods are actually destined for Moscow.
21.11.2024 05:41
The customs documents obtained by the BBC suggest that Rama Group made two shipments to Moscow of high-end optics that can be used in missiles, tanks and aircraft.
21.11.2024 05:42
Though some of its lenses are used in healthcare and engineering, Beck’s website details extensive military and defence applications.
21.11.2024 05:42
In December 2023 and January 2024, Rama Group made its two shipments to Moscow listing them as “rotating part of camera”.
25.11.2024 11:01
A far-right, pro-Russia candidate has taken a surprise lead in the first round of Romania's presidential election, with preliminary results putting his pro-Europe rival in close second.
25.11.2024 11:02
With 96% of votes counted, ultranationalist Calin Georgescu was on 22%, and Marcel Ciolacu, the prime minister, had 20%, according to the Central Electoral Bureau.
25.11.2024 11:02
The strong showing of Georgescu, who has no party of his own, and campaigned largely on the social media platform TikTok, came as the biggest surprise of the election.
25.11.2024 11:02
He is now on track to join Ciolacu in a final run-off for the presidency on 8 December.
25.11.2024 11:02
That would pose a dilemma for the millions of Romanians who voted for other candidates.
25.11.2024 11:02
One option would be to rally round populist Social Democrat Ciolacu, an establishment figure who would continue Romania’s pro-western path.
25.11.2024 11:02
Backing Georgescu, who has promised to Romania’s sovereignty, is the alternative.
25.11.2024 11:03
Georgescu, who belongs to no party, has also sworn to end what he calls subservience to the European Union and Nato, especially on support for Ukraine.
25.11.2024 11:03
He has condemned the Nato ballistic missile defence shield in Deveselu, Romania.
25.11.2024 11:03
The final result of this round will be known later on Monday, when votes from the capital Bucharest and from the large Romanian diaspora are counted.
25.11.2024 11:03
Campaigning focused largely on the soaring cost of living, with Romania having the EU's biggest share of people at risk of poverty.
25.11.2024 11:03
Exit polls released earlier on Sunday suggested that Ciolacu had a commanding lead, and projected the centre-right candidate, Elena Lasconi, would take second place.
25.11.2024 11:04
The current tally, however, puts Lasconi in third on 18%, and another nationalist, George Simion, in fourth.
25.11.2024 11:04
The president in Romania has a largely symbolic role but considerable influence on areas such as foreign policy.
25.11.2024 11:04
Turnout was 51%, similar to the figure five years ago.
26.11.2024 06:37
“When I stepped out of my house, it felt like I was inhaling smoke,” says Imran Ahmed Ali, a lawyer in the northern Indian city of Chandigarh.
26.11.2024 06:37
Pollution levels in Chandigarh - India's first planned city, located about 240km (150 miles) from capital Delhi - have been at more than 15 times the safe limit recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for more than a month.
26.11.2024 06:37
It is now common for air quality in the city to dip every winter, but Mr Ali says he has never felt so sick before.
26.11.2024 06:37
A few weeks ago, the 31-year-old began experiencing a dry cough and shortness of breath, which he initially dismissed as symptoms of a seasonal cold. But as the temperature dropped, his chest congestion worsened and he went to a doctor.
26.11.2024 06:37
“After running several tests, the doctor told me that my symptoms were caused by pollution. I’m now taking medicine twice a day to manage my breathing,” he says.
26.11.2024 06:38
Mr Ali is among hundreds of millions of people living in northern India who are forced to breathe toxic polluted air for extended periods every winter.
26.11.2024 06:38
A recent report by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago reiterates that the northern plains - home to 540.7 million people across Bihar, Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal - is the most polluted region in India. When compared with the WHO's standards, air pollution at current levels could reduce the life expectancy of people here by 5.4 years, it adds.
26.11.2024 06:38
But as the toxic smog closes in every winter, headlines and attention are mostly focused on Delhi.
26.11.2024 06:38
Delhi receives significant attention due to its position as the capital of India, says Partha Basu, strategic adviser at the Environmental Defense Fund, a non-profit group focused on delivering climate solutions.
26.11.2024 06:38
Every year, the Delhi government implements an annual action plan, which includes measures such as driving restrictions and a ban on construction activities during peak pollution periods.
26.11.2024 06:39
Even though there is criticism that this isn't enough, most other places in northern India have not seen such proactive steps.
26.11.2024 06:39
Mr Basu says that often, people don't associate other parts of northern India - particularly villages and small towns and cities - with high pollution.
26.11.2024 06:39
Pollution in the region is not caused by a single factor, but a combination of elements - such as construction activities, vehicular emissions, industrial pollutants and the seasonal burning of crop residue.
26.11.2024 06:39
While many of these factors are present throughout the year, the difference in the winter months - from October to January - is the weather conditions.
26.11.2024 06:39
The air quality worsens each winter because cold stagnant air traps pollutants near the ground, making it harder for them to disperse, says Mahesh Palawat, vice president of meteorology and climate change at weather forecasting company Skymet.
27.11.2024 05:31
This was the scene on Tuesday in Nuweiri, central Beirut, moments after the Israeli military issued evacuation warnings, the first for these areas.
27.11.2024 05:31
We were trying to visit the site of an Israeli air strike hours earlier, in the afternoon, that came without warning, flattened one building and killed at least seven people. But we could not get there.
27.11.2024 05:31
Crowds were leaving, and men on motorbikes stopped us from moving, saying it was not safe.
27.11.2024 05:31
Minutes later, we heard several explosions, from more attacks. And for hours, that was how the night unfolded in Beirut. Multiple blasts. Some in the distance; others closer.
27.11.2024 05:32
Gunshots announced more warnings, urging people to seek safety. All of this, with the constant sound of an Israeli drone flying overhead.
27.11.2024 05:32
This dramatic escalation came as the country waited for an Israeli decision on a ceasefire deal, the main hope to end over a year of conflict with Hezbollah, the powerful Iranian-backed movement.
27.11.2024 05:32
During that wait, Israel unleashed its most intense bombardment of Beirut in the conflict.
27.11.2024 05:32
Within two minutes, shortly after the attack on Nuweiri, fighter jets hit 20 targets in the city’s southern suburbs, known as Dahieh, where Hezbollah is based in the city.
27.11.2024 05:33
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said the targets hit were facilities used by Hezbollah, and the wave of attacks was heard across the city.
27.11.2024 05:33
Now, a ceasefire has been officially announced, but questions remain.
27.11.2024 05:33
The war has been devastating for Lebanon, where more than 3,700 people have been killed since the start of the hostilities in October 2023, and one million residents have been displaced in areas where Hezbollah has strong presence.
27.11.2024 05:33
The World Bank estimates $8.5bn (£6.8bn) in economic losses and damage. Recovery will take time, and no-one seems to know who will pay for it.
27.11.2024 05:33
Under the deal, thousands of Lebanese soldiers will be deployed to the south, after the withdrawal of Israeli forces and Hezbollah fighters. How they will be deployed remains unclear.
27.11.2024 05:34
The military has complained that they do not have the resources – money, manpower and equipment – to fulfil their obligations.
28.11.2024 05:34
He is a Sudanese orphan abandoned twice, and displaced twice in his country’s grievous war
28.11.2024 05:34
Nowhere else on Earth are so many children on the run, so many people living with such acute hunger.
28.11.2024 05:34
Famine has already been declared in one area - many others subsist on the brink of starvation not knowing where their next meal will come from.
28.11.2024 05:34
"It’s an invisible crisis," emphasises the UN’s new humanitarian chief Tom Fletcher.
28.11.2024 05:34
"Twenty-five million Sudanese, more than half the country, need help now," he adds.
28.11.2024 05:35
In a time of all too many unprecedented crises, where devastating wars in places like Gaza and Ukraine dominate the world’s aid and attention, Mr Fletcher chose Sudan for his first field mission to highlight its plight.
28.11.2024 05:35
"This crisis is not invisible to the UN, to our humanitarians on the front line risking and losing their lives to help the Sudanese people," he told the BBC, as we travelled with him on his week-long trip.
28.11.2024 05:35
Most of the people on his team working on the ground are also Sudanese who have lost their homes, their old lives, in this brutal struggle for power between the army and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
28.11.2024 05:35
Mr Fletcher's first field visit took him to Mahmoud’s Maygoma orphanage in Kassala in eastern Sudan, now home to nearly 100 children in a crumbling three-storey school-turned-shelter.
28.11.2024 05:35
They lived with their carers in the capital, Khartoum, until the army and RSF turned their guns on each other in April 2023, trapping the orphanage as they dragged their country into a vortex of horrific violence, systematic looting and shocking abuse.
28.11.2024 05:36
When fighting spread to the orphans’ new shelter in Wad Madani, in central Sudan, those who survived fled to Kassala.
28.11.2024 05:36
When I asked 13-year-old Mahmoud to make a wish, he immediately broke into a big gap-toothed grin.
28.11.2024 05:36
"I want to be a state governor so I can be in charge and rebuild destroyed homes," he replied.
28.11.2024 05:36
For 11 million Sudanese driven from one refuge to the next, returning to what is left of their homes and rebuilding their lives would be the biggest gift of all.
29.11.2024 06:13
The 35-year-old Germany international, playing his first European match since the Champions League final in July, gave away a penalty in the fifth minute but made amends in stoppage time, tapping in Angelino's whipped cross.
29.11.2024 06:14
Spurs had been the superior side for much of the match after Son Heung-min turned in the penalty that Hummels gave away, who was slow to a loose ball in the box and brought down young midfielder Pape Matar Sarr.
29.11.2024 06:14
Brennan Johnson also struck a good first-time finish after a Dejan Kulusevski cutback after defender Evan N'Dicka had equalised.
29.11.2024 06:14
Stephan El Shaarawy also struck an excellent volley which was ruled out by VAR for offside.
29.11.2024 06:14
But Spurs should have extended their lead further in the first half as Johnson had a shot cleared off the line, Dominic Solanke saw a shot saved, Son blazed over a rebound after the in-form Kulusevski hit the post.
29.11.2024 06:14
The match felt comfortable for Spurs, who could have built a bigger lead, but a flurry of second half efforts from Roma, including former Manchester City wing-back Angelino hitting a first-time volley onto the bar, were warnings.
29.11.2024 06:15
Porro also struck the woodwork with a second half free-kick and Solanke hit the post, but Roma had two more goals ruled out for offside calls on Artem Dovbyk and Manu Kone.
29.11.2024 06:15
Spurs boss Ange Postecoglou also had limited options, making four changes from his side which impressed with a 4-0 away win at Manchester City on Saturday, amid a spate of injuries.
29.11.2024 06:15
His substitutes in Yves Bissouma, Timo Werner, James Maddison and Lucas Bergvall came late, and couldn't stem the relentless Italian pressure.
29.11.2024 06:15
Spurs are ninth in the Europa League league phase standings, outside of the top eight that avoid a play-off match, with matches against Rangers, Hoffenheim and Elfsborg to come.
29.11.2024 06:15
Roma, meanwhile, impressed in a chaotic season where they are on their third manager. Former Leicester and Chelsea manager Ranieri, 73, came out of retirement to manage his boyhood club for the third time.
29.11.2024 06:16
The narrative could easily have been about how stand in goalkeeper Fraser Forster saved the day ahead of a prolonged spell in the team following number one Guglielmo Vicario's ankle fracture.
29.11.2024 06:16
Immediately as Roma kicked off, Forster will have pleased his manager when clearing a long ball over the top of his defence, he looked competent playing out from the back, albeit under little pressure and saved six another shots.
29.11.2024 06:16
There was little he could have done about either goal, one of which was a wonderful header, and the other was from just a couple of yards out.
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24.1.2024 09:27
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2.1.2024 08:36
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3.1.2024 08:58
m many. Aviation experts and flight crew tell the BBC it boiled down to the flig
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3.1.2024 08:58
m many. Aviation experts and flight crew tell the BBC it boiled down to the flig
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3.1.2024 09:00
m many. Aviation experts and flight crew tell the BBC it boiled down to the flig
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3.1.2024 09:05
perts and flight crew tell the BBC it boiled down to the flight crew putting their rigorous training in place and "well-behaved" passengers who obeyed saf
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3.1.2024 09:05
perts and flight crew tell the BBC it boiled down to the flight crew putting their rigorous training in place and "well-behaved" passengers who obeyed saf
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3.1.2024 09:05
perts and flight crew tell the BBC it boiled down to the flight crew putting their rigorous training in place and "well-behaved" passengers who obeyed saf
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Here's more on the three presidential hopefuls
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During his tenure as President Tsai's premier
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Lamichhane - who has played in Australia's
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After a warrant was issued for his arrest
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At the time, he said on Facebook
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They added that communications
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15.1.2024 10:27
The IMF said AI will likely
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In other instances, AI will have the ability
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Meanwhile, the IMF projects that the technology
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He came up through the DPP's ranks
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Ms Hsiao, the daughter of an American
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So China is extremely unlikely to agree
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17.1.2024 06:40
"The Worst Thing You Can Do? Be Positive"
Vastaa kommenttiin<a href="https://totohill.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">먹튀없는토토</a>
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17.1.2024 10:43
But a spokesperson for the UK's Royal Society
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17.1.2024 10:44
Rhesus monkeys are found in the wild in Asia
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17.1.2024 10:45
The first macaque monkeys were cloned
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18.1.2024 10:03
The palace called for the princess
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18.1.2024 10:05
The Prince of Wales will also step back
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18.1.2024 10:07
The condition is common in older men
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19.1.2024 10:48
If all goes well, the craft will nestle
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19.1.2024 10:57
Slim is not expected to work
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19.1.2024 11:02
He is currently bathed in sunlight
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21.1.2024 09:02
"13 Worst Interview Mistakes (You Won’t Believe Number 6)"
Vastaa kommenttiin<a href="https://totohill.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">사설토토추천</a>
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22.1.2024 10:02
He went on to ask for the public
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22.1.2024 10:04
Mr Marcos Jr and his wife Liza Araneta
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22.1.2024 10:08
Videos and photos of the first couple drew
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22.1.2024 10:08
Using official resources, like the presidential chopper
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22.1.2024 10:28
Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
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22.1.2024 10:29
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.
22.1.2024 10:28
Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
Vastaa kommenttiinVastaa kommenttiin
22.1.2024 10:29
Winners never quit, and quitters never win.
22.1.2024 10:28
Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
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22.1.2024 10:31
It’s quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure.
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23.1.2024 10:14
He, along with another student, had surrendered
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23.1.2024 10:18
Since then the activist has been languishing
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23.1.2024 10:24
Two police cases were lodged against
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23.1.2024 10:53
No cross, no crown.
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24.1.2024 11:18
But she vowed to take her bid to become
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24.1.2024 11:20
New Hampshire is first in the nation," Ms Haley said to
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24.1.2024 11:22
This race is far from over.
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25.1.2024 10:18
The month before, an explosion at a barbecue
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25.1.2024 10:21
And last April, a hospital fire in Beijing killed
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25.1.2024 10:23
The man who led the 2021 coup against
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26.1.2024 04:21
"If You Spot A Woman Wearing A Ring On Her Pinky Finger, This Is What It Means"
Vastaa kommenttiin<a href="https://totohill.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">토토사이트추천</a>
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26.1.2024 08:42
The Hamas attack on 7 October killed about 1,300 people
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26.1.2024 08:44
South Africa, which strongly supports the Palestinians
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26.1.2024 08:48
Israel reacted with outrage to the genocide allegation
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28.1.2024 17:04
Pics available on your blog whether or not doing interest easily a modest amount of total submits. Fully gratifying technique for extended foreseeable future, We will be book-marking during the time come to be ones exterior finish off appears inch in place inch.
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29.1.2024 09:23
Many fans were psyched that Malik
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29.1.2024 09:25
Aur's music blends R&B and hip hop elements
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29.1.2024 13:56
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Vastaa kommenttiinVastaa kommenttiin
30.1.2024 09:49
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Vastaa kommenttiinVastaa kommenttiin
30.1.2024 10:01
She was trying to climb in and behind
Vastaa kommenttiinVastaa kommenttiin
30.1.2024 10:04
Another local described how her wife
Vastaa kommenttiinVastaa kommenttiin
30.1.2024 14:27
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30.1.2024 15:30
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Vastaa kommenttiinVastaa kommenttiin
31.1.2024 08:35
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Vastaa kommenttiinVastaa kommenttiin
31.1.2024 09:54
Dozens more troops were injured
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31.1.2024 09:56
However, a Pentagon spokeswoman
Vastaa kommenttiinVastaa kommenttiin
31.1.2024 15:26
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31.1.2024 18:32
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1.2.2024 08:11
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Vastaa kommenttiinVastaa kommenttiin
1.2.2024 09:17
Faruqui stood out. A Muslim, he was arrested
Vastaa kommenttiinVastaa kommenttiin
1.2.2024 09:20
His humour wasn't missed on the millions
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1.2.2024 13:12
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2.2.2024 09:22
Unofficial, sped-up and slowed-down versions
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2.2.2024 09:25
Noah Kahan, whose number one song Stick
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5.2.2024 08:53
But this is not the first time that China
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5.2.2024 08:59
Delhi in the Indian Ocean amid a long
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