Oli pakko piilottaa koko blogi. Syy on yksinkertaisesti se että en luota enää siihen että koko työpaikan 2000 ihmistä eivät ole ylihuomiseen mennessä saaneet siitä kopiota sähköpostissa ja kaikkien ei kuitenkaan tarvitse lukea sitä. Jos jotain kiinnostaa niin voin kyllä lähettää aina päivän merkinnän sitä erikseen pyydettäessä niille joiden voin luottaa pitävän sen edes jokseenkin omana tietonaan.
Tuli sitten helvetin hyvin aiheeseen ennakoiden sopiva biisi mieleen.
Artist: Sentenced
Album: The Funeral Album
Title: Vengeance Is Mine
I am stunned, you caught me by suprise
It's so damn wrong, you outdid yourselves
Beaten numb, I didnt see you sneaking round the corner, how could I?
There is no sight in my other eye
When I'm done I will hunt you down
one by one I'll blow you all to hell
For you faceless, nameless, cowards, cannot hide
The day you break me will arrive
Strike from behind and knock me to the ground
Kick me while I'm down, stab me in the back, you bastards
Tear my heart out of my chest
I rise from the ashes, from these ruins of mine, from the rage
I'm right on your track you bastards
Dozen of eyes for an eye
Vengeance is mine
I have dreams of hammering your skulls
Fantasies of bashing in your brains
Obsessively I am watching, I am stalking, I am following
And then the massacre begins
Strike from behind and knock me to the ground
Kick me while I'm down, stab me in the back, you bastards
Tear my heart out of my chest
I rise from the ashes, from these ruins of mine, from the rage
I'm right on your track, you bastards
Dozen of eyes for an eye
Vengeance is mine
Strike from behind and knock me to the ground
Kick me while I'm down, stab me in the back, you bastards
Tear my heart out of my chest
I rise from the ashes, from these ruins of mine, from the rage
I'm right on your track you bastards
Dozen of eyes for an eye
Vengeance is mine
Dozen of eyes for an eye
Vengeance is mine
Vengeance is mine