QUESTION: Please, I had soo bad feeling every i am soo sad every crying alone really I feel soo depressed. I lived with my wife over 12 years for some resaon my left home now over 1,5 month. I try call her send her sorry, real is I really I loved her so much. Please do you have any help or suggestions what I do?.. Regards.
ANSWER: I am sorry for what you wrote. You loved your wife and she left you after 12 years relation. You do not tell a word what she has told about the reason. Was she unhappy but you did not know it? What was missing in your relation, when she wanted something else? Or were there something too difficult in your relation that it was too hard to live together? I do not have answers to these guestions, you do have, I guess.
But you are unhappy just now, you cry and feel lonely. You are almost desperate. Do you have any friend to whom you could share your feelings and who could listen to you, understand you and support you? During this kind of time we need friends.
You have called your wife and said sorry. Did you tell her what are you sorry for. Did you ask her what is the change she expects that she could come back?
God bless you. I pray for you. Hope the sun will shine some day.
Saara, family counselor
6 kommenttia
8.7.2014 16:52
She left without explanation? Unless you did beat her, had sex with other people without her consent or she is mentally very ill and/or found some other man or maybe a few men.
Seriously, just forget it and go forward. The past will not give you anything in a situation like this. If she even liked you she would have not done this to you. What ever happens do not take her back. She left you and that means she hoped to achieve something more with someone else. Now if she begs to get back together with you it would only mean that you are a safe harbor for her from where to start looking for another man or other men.
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8.7.2014 22:17
Incredibly crappy assumptions. You take automatically man's side but if that story was told by a woman, you would've questioned her story and assumed she has left out something essential about her own flaws.
12.7.2014 08:50
You do not think much, do you?
Would you think she left her because he has no flaws or that those flaws do not get under her skin? Why would he want say "sorry" to her if he did not fuck up?
The fact is that this guy, in just a few words, took the responsibility of something he does not explain in detail. Ie. he says it is his fault and if he says so it probably is, at least partly. People are less likely to admit that they made a mistake than they are to blame it on others.
This is something none of the women this far have done. The fault has never been in the woman. Even if it has, that is somehow twisted to be because something the man did -> it's all about how the man has wronged them.
It is just common sense to be skeptical about a tale that blames everything on something or someone else.
Besides, since literally almost everyone here always takes the side of a woman no matter the situation, it would be incredibly boring to read just those redfem manifestos about how all men should be punished for a reason or another. Different angles make a discussion. Otherwise it is just a statement and people agreeing.
13.7.2014 00:46
"none of the women" yeah sure. You are simply incapable of being truly objective. You are so blinded by the crap you've been repeating to yourself probably from cradle that you have started believing in it.
There's no responsibility taking in the guys' story.
But sure, go ahead and believe whatever you want to. It's your life and your decision how to waste it.
29.7.2014 12:06
If things truly are as you say they are, you can prove it. If you do not, there is no reason to believe that what you argument to be true is, in fact, the truth.
Honestly, I'm not expecting you to be able to prove it. Logically, you will try to dodge by either ignoring this or by somehow attacking me thinking that your opinion would become a fact through you trying to shame me. Naturally, the result is that you, by failing to prove your argument to be true at least generally, there will be no reason to believe that it is the truth and thus, you would just be wrong.
10.7.2014 00:41
You ask for any help or suggestions what to do. I think "what to do" depends on what is it that you want. To me it seems like you do not know how to ease the sharp pain from fresh break up. The unpleasant thing about stressful situations is that they are best handled by confrontation than by avoidance, and confronting the problems and feelings may be hard for some people so they choose avoidance and waste lots of time but still end up miserable.
First of all, I suggest you do not stay alone all the times. Turn to your family (only if they will support you and not blame or hurt you more), turn to friends and people you can trust, and/or seek counselling. Maybe some of your close friends of family members could even stay with you for a while, or maybe you could stay with them. Your situation sounds like a deep crisis and you need support and maybe even professional help to live through this period in your life with minimum damage.
Do more of what makes you happy but does not damage you. For example, some people turn to excessive eating or drinking to drown their problems and they only distract themselves for a short while but gain new problems such as obesity and alcoholism. If there is something that usually soothes you and relieves your stress in everyday life, try it, or try new things that may bring healthy distraction and even develop some of your skills or highlight your strong sides. Meditation and yoga, for example, help you achieve spiritual balance. Search for something that might help you, something that you will feel is "your own thing". Sports may be a good outlet if you have lots of tension and energy due to stress: try to work out to relax your body, and then your mind will follow to relax.
Often close circle (family, fiends) tries to make you feel better by blaming the other party but I suggest you keep in mind that it takes two to tango, and if your wife was a bad person it's doubtful you would have stayed with her for 12 years. Sometimes it helps your own well-being a lot if you look at things objectively or even from other person's point of view, without adding any pluses or minuses or emotions or labels to them, and see some neglected or missed details and chain reactions that grew into bigger things with time. Maybe looking at your marriage through stranger's or your wife's eyes could highlight some details that will help you understand some whys of this outcome. This way there will be less questions and more facts to analyze the big picture.
I also warmly suggest that you only take advice that you personally like and find helpful also in a long run. Simple expressions such as "just forget it and move on" do sound logical or a good idea but is easier said than done and the thing is, if you do not untie those spiritual and emotional knots and heal the wounds now, they will follow you and may negatively affect your other or new relationships. Studies show it's more typical to men not to explore their feelings but instead to replace the lost object with something new. That is one coping mechanism and it's up to you to decide how you want to deal with your pain.
It's easy to become more cynical and harsh and blame the other or see yourself as a victim but maybe you could also analyze your own role and influence on how things turned out. Seeing your own actions and taking responsibility actually eases the pain because you can see clearly how much power you had and still can have and that things do not just happen to you but also are consequences of your own actions. By looking deep into details you may find a way to fix the things that you did poorly, or you might learn from this experience to know how to act more wisely in future.
By "taking responsibility" I do not mean to place the blame on you. Blaming, just as name calling and speculations about someone's motives without knowledge or facts, are signs of weak-minded behavior. Personal growth starts when person sees own actions and choices and their influence, and thus sees how s/he has actually participated in building the entity that either succeeded or collapsed, and learns form those insights.
It's very seldom that people who are happily together just get up and leave. Usually there are strong signs. Maybe there were some issues you and your wife had but did not work on, and then leaving it all started to seem easier than staying. People see things differently and sometimes either do not communicate or communicate poorly. However, instead of wasting time on guessing your wife's motives I'd rather focus on what you actually know and can influence: your own well-being and future.
Oh, and one more thing: keep loving. Your wife may have left you without explanation and she may never come back but you could forgive her and yourself for not making this marriage work out, and you can still save the love for her - not to wait for her to come back but to protect your own health. Studies show that hating hurts haters most: their organisms' stress levels are constantly high and cause health problems. Instead of repeating other people's mistake you could find reasons to be grateful for what you had
So if you feel you still love your wife, let it be as it is. With time you could notice that love faded from strong into a melancholic memory or changed to just a vaguely good feeling, but at least you will avoid hurting yourself by trying to kill the love.
I cannot say I know what you are going through but from personal experience I know what it is to cope with break up stress. Hopefully something of what I wrote will help you, and if it did not, hopefully you will find your own constructive way of healing.
You will smile again and pain will fade. Allow yourself to experience this demanding lesson of life and gain as much wisdom from it as you only can. Crisis is also a chance.
Good luck!
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